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We've seen some changes in the marketing industry in the last decade. We no longer tell consumers what to buy with our marketing online, we advise them. Potential customers are more inclined to listen and ask the advice of their peers when it comes to determining their choice of not only what to buy, but where to buy.dich vu seo

In recent years with the advancement of social media marketing, word-of-mouth has become even more important, because your customers don't just tell a few people about a positive or bad experience, they often tell thousands if not millions.dich vu seo chuyen nghiep

This year is coming to a close and it's a good time to review your own reward marketing program. Are you rewarding customers for telling others about you?forum seeding

Referrals are the most powerful form of marketing that you can use and it's also the least expensive. Your referrals have more of an impact than any other marketing strategy or marketing

What does a referral mean to your business? It's a warm lead to a sell of your product or service. Don't dismiss the value of those referrals and be sure to reward those that send them your way - you'll be glad you thuat marketing

Your Turn: How do you reward people for sending those referrals in your direction? I'd love to hear about your referral programs and how you reward customers for sending business your direction.seo onpage