Wikibomber Backlinks from Authority .EDU/GOV Wiki Sites Totally Hands-Free3020659

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Bed not the culprit WIKI Bomber Different?

Humongous Database of Wiki Sites - 8,000 Wiki sites and growing! Our server-side script actively looks for footprints, scrapes new sites and removes non-working ones and that means you don't ought to. Typical 90% rate of success!

Multiple CMS Support - Why restrict yourself to just MediaWiki sites? Our software posts to WikkaWiki, MacOS Wiki, TWiki and more to come soon!

Randomized Usernames - Random usernames are generated for every single Wiki site to get rid of footprint across your campaign. In the event you post a piece of writing to 10k sites, 10k unique usernames will likely be used.

Auto-generated Unique Username DB - Built-in database of first and last name are employed to generate hordes of unique usernames for the campaigns.

Multi-threaded Account Creator - It is possible to increase to 50 threads immediately. No longer looking forward to accounts to get registered, Wiki Bomber will create 50 accounts in one query.

Multi-threaded Wiki Poster - The article submission process is additionally multi-threaded up to a more 50 threads. Wiki Bomber is the fastest Wiki Poster out there! FACT!