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Programmer’s Tool Now you can see whether or not your tags come in ordered pairs. This tool pinpoints exactly where in your source code a potential error can appear. Learn More… I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to this site. I hope the time you spend here is informative and in some way enriches your life.

This is not your typical site that makes bogus claims about some product they are trying to sell you. Although there are many sponsors for this site and I do encourage you to visit them by clicking on their "picture" because they do offer a valuable service or product, I believe that there are other important things that affect our society that should be presented for your consideration and, if a potential solution exists, present the solution.

With that said, here is an issue that affects over 3 million people in our society. It deals with something called a hoard or eclutter of your computer desktop. I, probably like you, put many things on the desktop of my computer. We do it for a wide variety of reasons. However, the day eventually comes when we have no room left to put things on the desktop. So, we then create a folder to put our desktop items in. One of the problems with this is eventually our desktop becomes cluttered with folders. Program links appearing as icons on your desktop have only been replaced by folders but the main problem still exists.

There is a solution to this e-hoard or eclutter that you can read about by clicking on the image below.

Have you often searched for the reason your web page is not rendering properly? Depending on the size of the source code, this could take hours or even days trying…

