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What Are the Advantages of Being a Utility Warehouse Distributor

The advantages:

Added Confidence

Network marketing companies are very conscious that the nature of the business requires persistence, belief and confidence. For this reason, distributors are urged to see self-improvement material regularly. Besides this help your career like a network marketer, but it can enhance your everyday life. Within the short time that I have been involved in the business, individuals have commented on my positive outlook to life regardless of the situation. I credit this solely to the part self-development books and audio have took part in my life.

Time Freedom

I'm no more ruled by my employer. If I put an hour every day into my Utility Warehouse business, it does not matter whether I do it at 9am or 6pm! I'm my own boss also it gives me the freedom to select how I plan my day. Whether it is around my family, training events or socially - I can juggle situations to suit my requirements.


I've always had 2 necessity: putting food on the table today and putting enough money off to be comfy in my retirement. Network marketing has put an end to such worries. I can tell the monthly pay rise which i get and that i look confidently forward to the near future understanding that my retirement could be more than comfortable. This was not the case after i was employed - living to and beyond my means on the daily, weekly and monthly basis.

Utilitys Warehouse

New Friends

It's true that Network Marketers are the most optimistic, friendly, outgoing group of people that you will ever run into. It is the nature of the industry which makes Network Marketers so prepared to talk, smile and interact with just about anyone that they meet. Many of us are in the same situation and there is a huge emphasis on helping fellow network marketers overcome any initial struggles or difficulties that they may encounter. Personally, Now i have a new circle of extremely successful, happy, attitudes that are a pleasure to keep company with.


When can one holiday? Anytime! When can one go ahead and take afternoon off? Every day I love! Will I still get paid if I decide to explore the planet for six months? Definately! And not that - chances are that I'll be obtaining a steady pay increase each month that i am away!

The negatives:


When you begin to become successful at network marketing, people will begin to notice a alternation in you. They'll call at your new outlook on life, your refusal being negative and bitter and, most probably, your improved financial status. They'll learn about that which you do and will likely want to "knock you off your perch". They'll snigger that you have been tricked into joining a "pyramid scam" and tell you just how you have to hesitate of hard work. People like this wear the absence of time, early rises and poor pay just like a badge. Anybody that doesn't work 9-5 should be a bit of loser. I've never had the opportunity to know this mentality. We all run into these folks and achieving the ability, confidence and data to disregard their bitter comments is vital to being a successful network marketer.