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Overview In this article I will discuss the technique developed and implemented in our new game Armageddon Wars that has extended the potential life of the iPhone�s battery in the course of gameplay. To do this, I will demonstrate the following: cai game cho iphone cai game iphone cai game ipad cai game cho ipad

   Lowering the frame price of a game increases the battery life by a significant amount.
   Games do not need a high frame rate when displaying a static screen, or a simple 2D computer animation.
   Our game actively throttles down the frame rate according to what animations are playing at any given time. This reduces the battery consumption by a small, but not insignificant amount. cai game android cai game cho android
   A lot of commercial games do not make any attempt to lower the frame rate when displaying static monitors, wasting battery lifestyle. cai game blackberry cai game cho blackberry

The ultimate section explains exactly how the technique was integrated. cai game winphone cai game cho winphone cai game java cai game cho java

Background A lot of game designers bring the PC mind-set with them when they start off developing for mobile devices. For PC games the aim for is to realize the legendary 60 frames per second rate. This is fine when the equipment is connected to an electrical outlet, but power consumption becomes an crucial factor when your device is running from a battery. giai ma iphone 4 giai ma iphone 4s giai ma iphone

Rather than thinking of speed alone, you need to think of entertainment value. Imagine two people on a 3 hour trip who are playing games on their iPhones to pass the time. One has a 60 FPS game, but the battery pack runs out mid journey. The other is playing a game that is capped at 30 FPS and the battery lasts the whole journey. Which of these two people gets the most entertainment value? unlock iphone 4s unlock iphone 4

You don't actually even need 30 FPS a lot of the time. At certain points during the game it might be showing only a static menu, or a simple animation � for instance a blinking light in addition to you do not need 30 FPS for that. unlock iphone

To play an animation easily you need a frame rate that's twice the frame frequency of the animation. For instance, a simple 2D flag animation that has 3 frames and repeats every second only needs 6 FPS to play efficiently. Anything above that is overkill. thiet ke web

Apple themselves think of battery consumption to be an extremely important concern. Their own developer guidelines advise the following: ten mien dang ky ten mien

Do not draw to the display faster than needed. Drawing is an expensive function when it comes to power. Do not rely on the hardware to throttle your frame rates. Draw only as many frames as your program actually needs.

But, we decided to take this idea one step further.