The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Component 4 )

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-- Henry Miller

On the back of an envelope located among his effects right after his death in a plane crash, former Atomic Energy Commission Chairman, Gordon Dean had scrawled:

1. Never ever lose your capacity for enthusiasm.

two. In no way shed your capacity for indignation.

3. In no way judge men and women, don't type them as well swiftly but in a pinch often assume that a man is great a...

The aim of life is to reside, and to live means to be conscious, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware.

-- Henry Miller

On the back of an envelope found among his effects following his death in a plane crash, former Atomic Power Commission Chairman, Gordon Dean had scrawled:

1. Never lose your capacity for enthusiasm.

two. Never ever lose your capacity for indignation.

three. Never judge individuals, don't variety them also quickly but in a pinch often assume that a man is very good and that at worst he is in the gray area amongst excellent and bad.

4. If you can not be generous when it really is hard, you will not be when it's straightforward.

five. The greatest builder of self-confidence is the ability to do something--almost anything--well.

6. When that self-confidence comes, then strive for humility you are not as excellent as all that.

7. And the way to grow to be really useful is to seek the very best that other brains have to .Use them to

supplement more hints your own, and give credit to them when they have helped.

8. The greatest tragedies in the planet and personal events stem from misunderstanding.

-- Robert G. Lee

To reside is like to love--all purpose is against it, and all healthful instinct for it.

-- Samuel Butler

In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not finding what one particular wants, and the other is obtaining it.

-- Oscar Wilde

There is no coming to consciousness without having discomfort.

-- Carl G. Jung

. . . the universe offers to those who plug in, mediocrity is self-inflicted and genius is self-bestowed. We ought to cultivate the silence, and when we are homepage alone, the universe will talk to us in flashes of inspiration.

-- Eric Butterworth

I acquire strength, courage and confidence by every encounter in which I should cease and look fear in the face. . . I say to myself, I've lived via this and can take the next issue that comes along . . . We should do the factors we think we can't do.

-- Eleanor Roosevelt

If a man wishes to be sure of the road he treads on, he must close his check this out eyes and walk in the dark.

-- St. John of the Cross

Life is neither the candle nor the wick it is the burning.

-- Anonymous

The finest index to a person's character is how he treats people who can't do him any excellent, and how he treats folks who can't fight back.

-- Abigail Van Buren

If a single advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to reside the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a achievement unexpected in common hours. . . Why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed, and in such desperate enterprises?If a man does not preserve pace with his companions, perhaps it is since he hears a distinct drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, nonetheless measured or far away.

-- Henry David Thoreau