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A bone protruding from skin may appear in critical pauses and is definitely an disaster condition. recent health articles The protruding bone is not only extremely painful but may be at risk for infection if not treated properly.

The area around a broken bone will usually swell due to bleeding in the surrounding tissue. Swelling usually lasts between two and three weeks. Often, a bruise will appear at the site of the break or fracture.

Though the bone itself has no pain receptors, a broken bone usually leads to severe pain due to swelling of the surrounding soft tissues and a break in the membrane that lines the outer surface of the bone. Muscle spasms, nerve or vessel damage, and other damage from the injury may also cause pain.

Color blindness is usually genetic, but can also be caused by traumatic injury or exposure to chemicals.

There are three types of color blindness - one type makes it difficult to distinguish between red and green, the second type makes it difficult to distinguish between blue and yellow, and a third type is actually complete color blindness in which the eye cannot detect any colors at all.

Red-green color blindness affects 10% of males in the United States, while only 0.5% of women are affected. 99% of all people with color blindness have red-green color blindness recent health articles.

Blue-yellow color blindness is rare and affects between 1 in 15,000 and 1 in 50,000 people. Both men and women are affected equally.