See how WordPress makes the Web Works for you, with WordPress website design training3567488

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Do you have a website that looks cheap and you’re worried because you feel it creates the wrong impression?

You don’t have to choose between an expensive custom-made website that either lies dormant or costs a fortune to maintain, or the alternative; a cheap template website with restricted options that reflects badly on your brand.

I can remember working in small businesses in my first jobs and being frustrated by the length of time it would take to make a small change using a web designer. I didn’t even KNOW if I would like the change, I wanted to be able to experiment, but having someone in the way really stunted my creativity. Even more frustrating when you know that you are paying for this trial and error, right? That’s when I decided to do something about it and learnt about web design, and wow did it save a lot of hassle, time and money! It took me a while to learn those skills, and this was in the days when you had to know about coding and have expensive software to do the job. I WISH it was as easy as it is now – truth be told, I rarely use those skills I developed anymore, because the Free software like WordPress does it for you! It’s so easy, and it frees up my time, energy and money to invest in making my businesses successful. So why am I trying to put this power in your hands? Couldn’t I just produce lots of websites really easily and hand them over? That doesn’t really work for me (or you) and I’ll tell you why…

A year ago I started producing websites for other small businesses and sole traders as a web designer. Clients were always happy with the results, but…