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One of the new features with Facebook Timeline is the new Facebook Covers. You can use one of your photos as your cover, but it makes a lot more sense to install a customized cover to your Facebook page! It will certainly be interesting to see how people customize their pages with all of the new features, but you'll want to make sure you have a great looking cover when people visit your Facebook profile.

Here are some great ideas for Facebook covers you can post for your timeline.

Seasonal Covers

Christmas is the most famous season of them all, but you can get covers for your profile that will work for any time of year. When the New Year is here, you can get covers for the New Year. Easter is one of the most important holidays for Christians, and Easter covers are a nice way to evangelize your faith without getting in anyone's face about it. During the summer, you can use patriotic covers for Memorial Day and Independence Day. For those people that love the summer, you could display a cover of the beach on your Facebook profile. There are Facebook covers for virtually every season of the year.

Christian Facebook Covers

Is your faith important to you? You could browse Christian covers with a Scripture reference. facebook cover with a photo of Jesus are always nice, and there are even covers for Catholic Christians as well as Protestant believers. For the Christmas holiday, you could even browse Christian Facebook covers with Scripture references. Christian profile covers are definitely going to be popular among the Christian community.