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5 Ways to Haggle a New Car

5 Ways to Haggle a New Car

Going into the dealership and purchasing a new car can be a stressful situation. Since most dealers, if not all will haggle with you, it’s important to know how you can bring that price down. Even if you can get $1,000 knocked off the price, it’s a lot better than nothing! If you’re new to haggling, here are five tips you may want to keep in mind when haggling for your next car:

Treat the Salesperson with CareWhen you walk into a dealership, be prepared to get attacked by at least three to five people. As they swamp you, all they are going to see are dollar signs. Before they even start to ask you questions, be sure to get to know them. Ask them questions and get friendly. Remember that these people are human beings. If you’re really nice and tell them nicely what you want, you will find that they may cut you a little slack.
Don’t Give Out InformationA good salesperson will want to know a lot of things before you even touch a car. They will want to know what you can afford, are you going to pay cash, are you going to finance and more. If you can, try to keep your mouth shut and just tell them you will decide later. Being patient and getting the best deal can get you the best deal in the end.
Stand your GroundBe sure to do your research well ahead of time. If you know that a car can be bought for $14,000, then stand your ground. Remember that the worst thing that they are going to say is, “No!” If possible, set a budget, don’t let them know what it is and tell them what you want. As long as you’re not asking for a free car, nothing is out of the ordinary. If they really want a sale, they will do their best to help you.
Know your Words

Don’t walk into the dealer and tell them, “Tell me your best price.” Instead, you want to let them know what YOU want. So if you want a car for $12,000, you will want to walk in and say, “Hey, I like that car over there in the corner, what do I have to do to get it for $12,000.” If they say, “Sorry! I can’t do that,” then you may just want to walk out to see how serious they are. Remember that there are probably hundreds of dealers in your area.

Be Prepared

If you feel that the sales process is getting too crazy, be sure to have an excuse that can get you out of the problem. For example, saying something such as, “I have a doctor’s appointment in 10 minutes,” is a great way to get out of a deal since they can’t argue with it. Once out, just promise yourself that you will never go in there again. Haggling is an art, and if you can master it, you can save a lot of money. Use the Internet to your advantage and research the prices well ahead of time. That way, you will know what the bottom line price can be when you walk in to start haggling.
