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Reliable Tips for Keeping Your Plants Healthy

There are people who are convinced that it's not easy to grow plants; however, they just don't know the facts. Most plants can put up with some neglect and are actually quite hardy. However, if you want your plants to be healthy over time, you do have to find out what they require and give them the amount of sun, water and space that's right for them. If you keep the following principles in mind, your plants will stay healthy and strong.

Your soil is on the top of your list of things to learn more about. Without the correct soil, you will not have a lot of success growing healthy plants. Not all plants thrive in the same soil configuration. Some, for example will grow better in alkaline soil while others need soil that's more acidic. You can either plan your garden around the soil you already have, or you can alter your soil so it's good for the type of plants you want to grow. You can buy bags of soil at your garden center that are formulated for specific plants if you plan to put each of your plants in an individual planter or container The soil you have in your yard may be just fine for a garden; however, it's necessary to have it tested so you will know for sure and can be confident of growing healthy plants.

If you're starting a garden for the first time, avoid the mistake of starting off with a plan that's overly ambitious. The same enthusiasm may strike when you are buying outside or inside plants in containers. It's easy to buy way too many. The more plants you have, the more there will be to keep track of, and chances are many of your plants will have different needs.

Just pick two or three varieties to begin with, and don't buy too many of each plant. It's easy to be seduced by the seed flats at the garden center that come with six or twelve little seedlings already started. Don't be tempted to buy a whole flat of one plant. Ask for two pots, for starters. Those seedling flats can usually be separated into individual pots, so don't be shy. You'll have a better chance of success if you start out small and maintain control over everything.

Planters are a good alternative for new gardeners, as it makes things easier. Container gardening, as this is called, offers many advantages that you don't have when you sow your seeds directly into your garden soil. You can isolate each plant and provide the perfect conditions for it, and you don't have to worry about how close together to plant.

The main things you have to be concerned with is the size of the container. It has to be large enough so that when the plant is full grown there is plenty of room for its root system. Just about any container will work as long as you remember to poke holes in the bottom for drainage if none are already there. Container plants do, however, become dried out faster than if they were in the ground.

If you are a beginner, our hope is that these simple tips and techniques will help get you off to a good start to grow healthy plants. Like all living things, plants need to be taken care of properly in order to thrive, and they require adequate attention. When you are checking your plants, don't skip over any plant that looks sickly. Make an effort to find out the cause and correct it. When the problem isn't readily apparent, talk to a gardener with more experience. Chances are that your watering technique is not correct, or your soil is lacking in an important nutrient for that particular plant.

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