Porn Addiction Cycle7124893

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Introduction to the steps in the porn addiction cycle.

In this article you will be introduced to the four stages of the porn addiction cycle. Porn addiction follows a basic cycle of steps. The following information will give you more details on what is going on underneath the different stages of porn addiction. Knowing the steps is the first step towards freeing yourself from the porn addiction cycle. Read this article and discover how to break the addictive illusion of pornography.

To start off with let me tell you what the four stages are and then I will give you a little bit of information on each one, so that you are more familiar with what is going on at each stage.

1. Preoccupation

2. Ritualisation

3. Compulsive sexual behaviour

4. Despair

These four stages are what anyone with a porn addiction will experience in this order. To help you recognises the stages in your own behaviours, I will now talk briefly about what is going on at each of these steps. This information will make you more aware of what is going on with your addiction and so make you more able to override your addiction and take back control, which can only be a good thing for anyone with a porn addiction.


This is the first step in the porn addiction cycle. In this step you will find yourself unable to think about anything else except sexual thoughts and fantasies of a sexual nature. This is a good indicator that the porn addiction cycle has started again.


This step in the porn addiction cycle is when you start seeking out and looking for pornographic material, for sexual stimulation. You most probably go to the same websites or watch the same files etc, each time you go through this stage. This type of behaviour is called ritualistic behaviour. For many men with porn addiction the actual act of looking for porn can be more important than reaching orgasm itself.

Compulsive sexual behaviour At this point the sexual stimulation of the porn motivates you to sexually act out, in some way, the porn images .


At this point in the porn addiction cycle most addicts feel that they have not achieved normal sexual satisfaction. Instead they have a feeling of depression and hopelessness. These depressed feelings can often lead an addict back to the first step in the addiction cycle.

One simple technique for overcoming the porn cycle

Now you know the steps you probably want to know how you can break the cycle and live a life free from porn addiction.

If you are strong enough and have enough will power, a simple way to break this cycle is to stop yourself from using porn for two weeks, while also not masturbating for two weeks.

What this will do is rebalance your brain chemistry, which will stop you experiencing the withdraw symptoms from porn.