Optin Rocket – Best Dynamik Skins2530924

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Ever wonder how those “other people” build such gorgeous mailing list signups on their website? Here, I’ll tell you: custom CSS + background image + Contact Form 7. Easy enough right? Well, not unless you are an uber-code nerd!

Here’s the cool part, this online course comes with over ONE HOUR of HD video where you can actually see my mouse moving around my screen while I create horizontal and vertical opt-in forms. It also includes tons of copy-and-paste CSS and form shortcode!

Forget reading boring books and learn what you need to know in just over an hour! If you can watch movies, you can master Opt-In forms! It’s pure magic for a one-time payment of $67.

“Opt-In forms have always been a bit overwhelming to me, I can place a regular ol’ form on a WordPress page but a stylized, eye-catching form that really gets leads was always a bit too difficult. Opt-In Rocket is easy to watch and copy and pasting the pre-made CSS is like a dream! Thanks so much Ian!” BestDynamikSkins.com is not associated with or endorsed by Catalyst or Genesis Photos by by Flickr and Photos8.com

