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bad ice cream game review

bad icecream is a fun game to play and also this game differs from that regarding the other games readily available for two players. Most of the two player games are in ways that the players will probably be competing with each other that is not the case on this game. In �Bad Ice Cream�, both the player will have to play together to enable them to collect more points and eliminating the enemies.

Overview of �Bad Ice Cream�


The motto of �Bad Ice Cream� is usually to collect the fruits without clashing with the enemy. The player are able to see themselves by means of frozen treats while playing the action along with the player can choose the flavour of the ice-cream, namely, chocolate, strawberry and vanilla.

When the player starts with the sport chances are they will need to collect the fruits which might be put in relating to the ice blocks. Among the ice blocks, the gamer notice that the monsters are also roaming and so the player should collect the fruits in such a way that they don�t bump with all the monsters. If your players bump with all the monster then your game ends in case one player dies and the other survives then your game continues.

Various fruits like that of banana, grapes and watermelon is going to be displayed on the screen hence the player will have to collect all the fruits before they go to a higher level. There are 40 levels hanging around and therefore, you won�t believe they are doing the same thing repeatedly. Before going ahead with all the next level, you will need to unblock the current level.

Controls of �Bad Ice Cream�

Both people will use the identical keyboard to try out the action. Some of the controls for both the players are highlighted below: -

1.The first player should use the directly secrets of relocate the direction that they can want. Player 2 will have to use WASD for relocating four different directions.

2.Player 1 use the enter critical for shoot and break the ice blocks that come in between your fruits and Player 2 use �F� button to interrupt the ice blocks that appear.

Pros of �Bad Ice Cream�

Few issues that are already loved by players of �bad icecream� are as follows: -

1.The players can enjoy simultaneously

2.40 different levels so the player will receive a feeling of achievement once they reach higher levels amongst gamers.

Cons of �Bad Ice Cream�

Few issues that may force the gamer to shed interest are listed below: -

1.The level of difficulty increases continuously so because of this, the player might think anytime a specific level, the game can't be played.

badicecream� is perfect for people that love playing games wherein they're able to love enjoy possibly at the same time frame, who would rather solve puzzles simply because this game allows the player to get rid of blocks without disturbing the monster.