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[E-Lites] E-Lites are one of the most trusted brand, endorsed by GMTV doctor as a healthier alternative than smoking, it removes a lot of the harmful chemicals but still contains nicotine which is the addictive part of the smoking experience and if possible we would advise you to just use this product as an aid to cut down and finally quit. Ecigs are a better alternative than normal cigs but ideally you should not be inhaling anything at all and this website is strongly supportive of no smoking whatsoever and a healthier lifestyle for all. We also insist that this product should ONLY be available for smokers. The thought of non smokers thinking ecigs are safe and then starting smoking by using them, although we do not think this is likely, does worry us. So use E-Lites to help you cut back and quit and our discount codes will make that cheaper for all. Click here for more information. References: E-lites discount code E-Lites discounts The best information for E-Lites electronic cigarettes E-lites reviews