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If you?re browsing for a book at a bookstore, you may find yourself leisurely pulling books from shelves, reading dust-jackets, and thumbing the pages. Now, if you were to provide the exact same information online, would your interaction with the books be the same?

Not likely. You may be looking for a book, but you may also be chatting with a friend online, checking your email, paying bills, watching an online video, listening to music, browsing, etc? all at the exact same time. So not only are you processing information with new expectations and completely differently than you would with offline information, you?re also multi-tasking. Each of these tasks performed online competes with each other for not only your attention ? your time too!

Bearing this in mind, it?s important to properly write and format articles for an audience who thrives on a speedy, effective delivery and still satisfy their needs while meeting their expectations.

5 Tips to Writing Articles for Online Audiences

1. 400-700 Words.*

You are more likely to capture your reader?s full attention if they can see the beginning and end without having to scroll excessively for more information. Scrolling isn?t necessarily an inconvenience ? it?s a perception of time they are willing to spend.

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