Multi-site WordPress Management2327959

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WordPress  is a popular way to host a blog because of its intuitive interface, multiple plugins and cross platform usability. The problem begins when you have multiple blogs or  WordPress  sites. These sites are commonly a grouping of pages centered on a blog with various  WordPress  plugins installed. To have means you have to manage 4 or 5 pages, but with several going at once – you could be looking at having to maintain, update and fix 25 or more pages at a time. This can become time consuming and overwhelming. The easiest way to handle this aspect of having an Internet presence is to use a multi-site  WordPress  Managing service or program. A service is better as a program still requires you to learn and do everything.

Why more than one blog?

Having more than one blog is all about increasing your presence through SEO rankings. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of making sure that your site has all the elements to rank high in the engine like good, current and changing content. Having multiple blogs helps to push you higher and promote your service or product. Also, you can cross link the blogs to further expose visitors to more about your business.

Looking for a WordPress Developer to help you with your next WordPress project? Feel free to contact us!