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The Florida home insurance crisis is still alive and well because Florida homeowners insurance organizations continue to leave the state and/or look for major rate hikes. Both companies assuring regulators can't agree on the appropriate amount in which homeowners should be paying in order to insure regarding losses against major Florida hurricanes. As a result, starting in the Nineties, Florida started to enforce special assessments on each Florida homeowners insurance policy issued and created a express run insurance provider of last measure that is known as Citizens Home Insurance Corporation to ensure that everyone in Florida could possibly get home insurance coverage for their house. Florida also come up with Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund which requires almost all licensed Florida homeowners insurance companies to purchase reinsurance after the loss from a main hurricane reach a certain level. This fund is insurance coverage for Florida insurance firms and helps to ensure that they don't must absorb every one of the costs of a major storm event.


Lastly, Florida has an thing called the Florida Insurance Guaranty Organization (FIGA) that steps in to pay your claim up to a certain stage if your Florida property insurance company has no money and is declared insolvent. Those specific assessment collection items on your own Florida home insurance expenses can cause you to pay series item fees for many years in to the future. You may be asked to form the difference whenever Citizens Home Insurance Company and the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund don't have the money to meet their own obligations. Or you will be evaluated for the distinction if FIGA doesn't always have the cash to settle the promises filed against a Florida home insurance company that became financially troubled. So far, with high level, all these various organizations and the defenses that they offer make sense. So when they work properly they do help further broaden Florida's hurricane danger and help to make it desirable for Florida property insurance companies to continue to do business inside the state. However, the Florida Insurance policy Laws passed in 07 and '08 have modified and politicized the goals of each and every of these entities to a point where they no longer function as at first intended. Why? Because Florida legislators aren't ready to tell voters the reality - why these entities are now seriously underfunded rather than positioned to do what they are meant to do. Worse, many Florida consumers don't realize that they're paying for someone else's Florida home insurance.

learn more Jeff Bartel