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Facebook Marketing Tips for Business

Many corporate executives recognize the need for marketing on Facebook and have taken the first step by creating a Facebook Fan Page for their business. But following the page is made, many CEO's drop the ball and don't take full advantage of everything Facebook has to offer for their business. So, we have compiled a summary of marketing tips for business owners.

Posting on Other Business Pages

Facebook Fan Pages have become a location where Pages can post increase on other Pages. In "Page" mode, you are able to like and discuss other pages. In Page mode you are able to write on the profiles of the friends. Wall posts are no longer in chronological order, and we do not really have a lot of control around the posts on our Pages. What's promising like a Facebook admin is you can "view" your page in chronological order. To get this done under "wall" click "admin view". This helps you to organize your own page by viewing it in the order that's easiest to know and manage.

As you are in "page view mode", if the name of your fan page isn't your real name, as is the situation with most fan pages (those are the name of the business), it is important to add an identity for your post. If you're commenting on other fan pages, go ahead and sign off at the end of your comment having a dash and your first name. This helps to add a personal touch for your posts and improves your engagement factor.

Consider the way you are coming across. Are you currently at your competitors' pages because of self-serving agenda or are you currently there to contribute? We recommend that you do much of your networking in business industry that isn't the same as your company (a non-competitive industry). You can post on the pages of companies which are related to yours, although not your competition. You might get more results that way.

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Prevent Spam by yourself Page

Many business people have noticed that, at times, their competitors will spam their page. Facebook presently has spam filters which you can use to curve this. In order to access and utilize Facebook spam filters, you'll find this tool under "edit page" also it allows you to load keywords that are put in the spam filter so you, because the admin, can automatically filter posts. This really is situated in "admin view". Comments show up inside a light color which some people have said is more hard to see, however, it is still very helpful.

Notifications could be by email or turn that off by clicking "edit page". This is helpful because when you get new fans or comments you can get notifications.

Marketing Tips

1. Photo Strip at the top of your Page.

The photos at the top of your page would be the five photos which are probably the most recently uploaded. You can delete them by clicking the X in the right hand corner of each page.

The "Photo Strip" at the top acts like a photo viewer and the photos appear so the viewer doesn't lose their place when looking at photos. Have some custom graphics made for the very best 5 photos in your page. They can be 970 x 680 pixels. It is recommended that you depart white area surrounding the perimeters from the photos. FB will shrink them to a 97 x 68 thumbnail. Use images with a call-to-action such as "click here", "find out more", "get details", or "free download". When visitors click that image, the image will appear. In the description of that image, put details along with a call-to-action having a link or your phone number so visitors can easily contact you.

2. Links along the left-hand portion of your Page.

Reset an order of the links around the left-hand side of your Facebook Page. For those who have more than 7, you will see a "more" link and after that you are able to drag and drop those links. Put the "landing tab" at the bottom that is usually a "welcome" where visitors land. This way once they visit your welcome page, all your links will be expanded and they can see your entire listing of all your links along the left-hand section of your page.

3. Make the most of Facebook iFrames with the addition of interesting content.

Facebook uses iFrames and although it is a touch more complicated, it provides you with the ability to add images, videos and opt-in boxes along with a call to action. You can have a whole page designed on your own site and then post that in your iFrame in your Facebook page making that the custom landing tab. In addition, you are able to take Facebook ads out and drag them specifically to squeeze pages and links in your Facebook page. This gives you the ability to test different promotions and offers. You are able to experiment and test with your different offers on different iFrames links on your page.

4. Updates feature provides the opportunity of free advertising in valuable Facebook real-estate.

Click "edit page" "marketing". You can send all your fans updates. All these communications get into "other". On the top right-hand corner of Facebook, you will notice an area called "Unread Updates". This is valuable real-estate so that if you are using "updates" more frequently, you can get your fans more interested in your page. For those who have a very active post on your wall, you are able to take that exact link and add that into the "updates" which means that your fans will see that on the top right-hand corner of their page. By using "updates" you'll have free ads on your own and it appears on top right-hand corner of your fans' pages.

5. Increase visibility and engagement with Facebook News Feeds.

Studies show that Up to 90% of your fans don't return to your page after they click on the "like" page. Not to worry, however, because by maximizing your visibility in Facebook News Feed, you can still be visible to your fans and engage them in order to "remind" them about your business and increase people to your main site, which in the end, is the next step in upping your bottom line.

Your fans can easily see your content in their news feed. However the real question is "how do your get your content visible inside your fan's news page?". Facebook uses a very complex algorithm (called "edge rank"), so we don't know exactly why some posts show up in news feeds and some don't, but we all do know what can increase your visibility in your fans' news feed.

Ideas to increase your visibility inside your fans' news page include:

   Post before noon in your time zone.
   Post One to two times each day. Do not over post. Some companies import tweets and "over post". This can hurt your "edge rank", (the algorithm that Facebook uses), which can ultimately lead to your posts turning up less and less in your fans' news feed.
   Use questions.
   Keep posts short and straightforward.
   Be personal.
   Use other's content. Include photos, videos, and links. Make your own strategies to improve your visibility in news feeds.

By utilizing these pointers, you are able to increase visibility on Facebook and engage more fans.