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Popular Fad Diets often use dangerous techniques to help you to lose weight quickly. Fad diets look attractive because they make promises that seem too good to be true, and usually they are. You're promised that you'll lose 10 pounds in a week or less. And many times, it is true; the weight on the scale can be as much as 10 pounds in a week. But the weight you have lost is not fat, but water. Now, there is some advantage to not feeling bloated, but what you really want is fat loss in the long run. Most of the time, these diet programs backfire. You'll end up hungry and miserable at best. And you'll eat everything in sight and gain back all the weight you've lost and more at worst. When you lose weight quickly, you tend to gain weight back even more quickly because you lose muscle as well as fat on these quick weight loss programs. These programs typically do not have enough calories to be nutritionally balanced and, if you stay on them for too long, you can end up malnourished. It can be very, very dangerous, so if you are going to use one of these diets, please see your physician to make sure you are healthy enough Fad Diet List often rely on techniques that most people would realize are dangerous. However, many of us just want to lose weight so desperately, that we ignore the warning signs. One of the most common techniques we see with this type of diet is skipping meals. You should avoid What is a fad dietthat encourage you to skip meals. Fasting is not necessarily an unhealthy practice unless you have a medical condition that would prevent it, but fasting just to lose weight can be dangerous. Beware of those diets that encourage you to eat on an irregular schedule. This affects your blood sugar and can encourage your body to store fat more readily. The healthiest diets encourage you to eat small portions of fresh vegetables, lean meats, whole grains and fruits throughout the day. You should also drink plenty of water - at least 8 glasses of water each and every day. You should also walk or get some other regular exercise - at least 30 minutes per day