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With more and more people concerned about physical appearance, teeth whitening is becoming a regular beauty ritual for some people. However, there are some precautions that need to be taken and things to consider before you decide which of the many options is the best for you. This article provides you with some useful advice.

If you have a professional teeth whitening procedure done, avoid any colored liquids for the next three or four days. Right after a whitening treatment, your teeth will be more sensitive and absorb dark pigments from coffee or tea for instance.

If speed and effectiveness are your top teeth-whitening priorities, get yourself to your dentist ASAP. Whitening your teeth is an aesthetic process that can cause damage. Whitening your teeth without the guidance of your dentist can do more harm than good. Be smart, and consult a dentist about your teeth whitening regiment.

If you plan on whitening your teeth, don't forget that teeth whitening products and procedures whiten only your natural teeth. Crowns, fillings, veneers and implants will remain the same color. Because of this, whitening products may wind up creating a sharp contrast between the color of your natural teeth and the color of your dental work.

It is important to know that many teeth whitening treatments do not work on gray teeth. If your teeth are darkly stained, it will take several rounds of treatment to get the results you may be wanting.

Start with well cleaned teeth before trying any teeth whitening to get the greatest results. Contaminants such as plaque or leftover food particles can form a barrier between your teeth and the whitening product, hindering its ability to lighten your teeth. If you try to whiten your teeth when they are dirty, they will get an uneven coloring, so make sure you clean your teeth all the way before you start.

Keep your expectations realistic when you whiten your teeth, whatever method you use. If you expect more from it than it can provide, you can be disappointed. Consider the factors involved, like your age, and the extent of stains and discolorations on your teeth. Also, speak with a professional so that you know the risks involved and the expectations that you should have.

As an alternative, herbs such as cilantro and parsley should be chewed on in your quest for whiter teeth. The herbs contain materials that will fight the discoloring bacteria from forming in your mouth. But don't be under the impression that these can be used as a toothpaste replacement.

Do not rely on toothpaste alone to whiten your teeth. You will have to use another method to see any improvement in the whiteness of your teeth. If you do purchase one of these pastes, look for one that contains baking soda.

Make sure you floss and brush at least twice per day. A buildup of plaque can stain your teeth over time. Take your time to floss thoroughly prior to bed so that you don't have plaque on them for several hours.

As you read in the article above, having white teeth can make a huge difference on the quality of your life. It is time to get better teeth and start smiling more. Brighter days are ahead of you now that you know and can apply these tips.

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