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As a Christian, you should continuously renew your faith and belief to God. You should go on mission trips and short term mission. You will surely get lots of benefits for yourself and for others after you have finished these activities. Take advantage the chance of going to a mission trip to get great spiritual rewards. You can surely get lots of benefits without noticing them. Christian nonprofit If you will go on mission trips and short term missions, you will surely meet a lot of people that could become part of your life. You will have exposure to other people and learn from them at the same time. You could also impart your own knowledge and belief to other people so that they could also strengthen their faith to God. You, as well as the people that you will get acquainted too will both develop deeper faith to God. Both of you will be instrument in making each other's faith stronger and firmer. You will be able to develop yourself in terms of spiritual and other aspects. missions Aside from exposure and self-development, this is also the best opportunity for you to help other people who are in need especially in terms of spiritual things. You can share your personal experiences to others to inspire them to become better individuals. You could become a role model so that they will become a better and responsible Christian.

Aside from meeting fellow Christians, there will also come a time that you will meet people who are really spiritually week and needs enlightenment. By going on a short term mission, you will be able awaken their heart to start believing God and strive to make their life better according to God's word. This is one of the best rewards that you could experience when going on a short term mission, the simple fact that you have become an instrument of the transformation of a person. Israel Happiness - if you believe in God firmly, you will have happiness deep in your heart. Short term mission will let you experience a different kind of happiness that you will never feel on other situations. You will meet a lot of people and will be able to hear lots of God's miracles to their lives. You will surely get inspired and be thankful that you are a Christian. You will feel fulfilled and complete that pure happiness could be yours.

You will surely enjoy going out on mission trips and short term missions. You should start looking for the right community as well as right companions to make it happen. You should explore the world and meet more people and to become God's instrument to others. Learn from other people and let other people learn from you. Mission trips are really worthwhile activities that could give you lots of exciting rewards.