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The reality regarding Calories and Weight reduction

Some experts within the mainstream still insist that a calorie can be a calorie it doesn't matter what the origin understanding that when attemping to shed weight you only need to reduce the number of calories you eat. For many years this has been unchallenged and accepted because the gospel truth, but recent findings are proving this concept to very wrong indeed.

While it's true, that calories within their most basic form are simply units of energy, when they're metabolized from foods by the body they could be very different. For example, a hundred calories from pretzels look much different than the usual hundred calories from broccoli. After all of course they are different, and then for a supposed expert to suggest otherwise is ridiculous.

Yet that's the idea many in the old guard weight loss establishment still push. Once you hear an advocate for a diet program say things such as "you can eat all the foods you like (just a reduced amount of them needless to say) and still lose weight" they are probably coming from this idea a calorie is a calorie.

Let's expand on our comparison a bit. When a person eats one hundred calories worth of pretzels, about 10-12, their body metabolizes them just like the way it would metabolize candy. The pretzels would cause their body to make insulin,which in the event you don't recall from senior high school biology, turns sugar into energy and fat. Most of the time the more insulin your body produces the harder fat it will store. This is the factor that makes reduced carb diets so effective for weight loss.

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On the other hand, foods like broccoli cause the body to produce a lot less insulin and for that reason store less fat. Furthermore, one hundred calories worth of broccoli will take up far more space than pretzels, so you'll feel fuller or less hungry longer. Hardly any people would feel full after consuming a serving of pretzels. On the contrary, it might make them feel more hungry with the way insulin acts on blood sugar levels.

The bottom line is, to really get your weight-loss efforts in gear, choose wisely the kind of foods you consume. Don't be concerned a lot about counting calories because by eating the right kinds of foods, the calories will handle themselves.

Search for foods that are natural, like what our caveman ancestors might have eaten, fruits and veggies, vegetables, nuts, seeds, you will find, lean meats and seafood. Simultaneously, minimize your intake of processed foods, things that can be found in a box, package, or bottle. Do this along with a simple intend to follow that may enhance your progress and also have you dropping pounds just like a bad habit.