Juni 2013
Aus DCPedia
- Action Comics 21
- Adventures of Superman 2
- All-Star Western 21
- Animal Man 21
- Aquaman 21
- Arrow 8
- Batgirl 21
- Batgirl / Robin Year One
- Batman 21
- Batman and Batgirl 21
- Batman and Robin Vol. 1: Born to Kill
- Batman and Robin Vol. 2: Pearl
- Batman: Arkham Unhinged 15
- Batman Beyond Unlimited 17
- Batman: Li'l Gotham 3
- Batman / Superman 1
- Batman: The Dark Knight 21
- Batwing 21
- Batwoman 21
- Before Watchmen: Minutemen / Silk Spectre - Deluxe Edition
- Before Watchmen: Ozymandias / Crimson Corsair - Deluxe Edition
- Birds of Prey 21
- Catwoman 21
- Catwoman Vol. 2: No easy way down
- Constantine 4
- Crisis on Multiple Earth Vol. 6
- Deathstroke Vol. 2: Lobo Hunt
- Demon Knights 21
- Detective Comics 21
- Dial H 13
- Earth 2 13
- Green Arrow 21
- Green Lantern 21
- Green Lantern Corps 21
- Green Lantern: New Guardians 21
- Harley Quinn: Night and Day
- He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 3
- Injustice: Gods among us 6
- Justice League 21
- Justice League Dark 21
- Justice League of America 5
- Justice League of America's Vibe 5
- Katana 5
- Larfleeze 1
- Legends of the Dark Knight 9
- Legion of Super-Heroes 21
- Masters of the Universe: The Origin of Hordak
- Metal Men Archives Vol. 2
- Nightwing 21
- Red Hood and the Outlaws 21
- Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol. 2: The Starfire
- Red Lanterns 21
- Resurrection Man Vol. 2: A Matter of Death and Life
- Smallville Season 11 14
- Solo - Deluxe Edition
- Stormwatch 21
- Stormwatch Vol. 1
- Stormwatch Vol. 2
- Suicide Squad 21
- Superboy 21
- Supergirl 21
- Superman 21
- Superman Family Adventures Vol. 1
- Superman Vol. 1: What Price Tomorrow?
- Superman Vol. 2: Secrets and Lies
- Superman: The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 1
- Superman Unchained 1
- Swamp Thing 21
- Talon 9
- Teen Titans 21
- Teen Titans Vol. 2: The Culling
- The Flash 21
- The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men Vol. 2: The Firestorm Protocols
- The Green Team: Teen Trillionaires 2
- The Movement 2
- Threshold 6
- Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger 9
- Wonder Woman 21
- World's Finest 13
DC Kids
- 100 Bullets: Brother Lono 1
- American Vampire: The Long Road to Hell 1
- Astro City 1
- Django Unchained 4
- Django Unchained 5
- Fables 130
- Fairest 16
- Hellblazer: Death and Cigarettes
- Preacher Book 1
- Sweet Tooth Vol. 6: Wild Game
- The Annotated Sandman Vol. 3
- The Unwritten 50
- The Wake 2
- Aquaman 2
- Batman 13
- Batman: The Dark Knight 13
- Batman: The Dark Knight Special 0
- Before Watchmen: Minutemen (Panini)
- Before Watchmen: Rorschach (Panini)
- Green Lantern 13
- Injustice: Götter unter uns 1 (von 4)
- Justice League 13
- Justice League Paperback 1: Der Anfang
- Superman 13
- Wonder Woman 2: Familie