Ideas On How Ladies Who Work Nights Can Avoid Danger

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Daphne does work during the night for a travel Web site. It is usually not a problem mainly because my job at the recording studio is not so time-bound. At times, though, I must handle projects for which I pull overnighters and she has to make the trip going back home by herself in the wee hours.

The two of us were surfing the net together as soon as we chanced on some enthusiastic remark on kick-ass pepper spray effects created by one of her Facebook buddies. We looked at each other then like, “Right, why did we not think of that?” We meant personal protection.

So, we scoped defense sprays out. These whip up an extreme burning feeling whether to the skin or eyes to render the recipient disabled. Seemingly, as well, strong defense spray causes you to cough unceasingly, breathe difficultly as well as close your eyes involuntarily.

Now, the effects are non fatal and bring no uncorrectable harm. They are short-term and do not remain beyond 20 to 45 minutes. This is the time where you skedaddle as well as make an effort to contact 9-1-1.

There is run-of-the-mill 10% defense spray for anyone more than 18 and then you will find nastier types with an 18% dose of pepper solution. I figure that the second option is for when you are especially at risk like, say, because you are a woman who is out during the night.

Hot defense spray is exactly what they label the 18% lot on the internet. It's noted to act quicker to make its target unable to function normally. Furthermore, it comes on strong, therefore an assailant will be too indisposed to attack. Now, I reached my choice to buy pepper spray.

Well, I got my sweetheart a 1/2 oz. can in black (over blue and red) of Wildfire 18% pepper spray. It has heat showing up at 3 million Scoville heat units when many others are at 1 to 2 million.

Daphne is not so impressionable as to rave. However, after seeing hot defense spray effects herself on a bully whom she had sprayed, she was all over her social network too, going into raptures over self defense sprays. Click Here To Visit The Website