How Can I Last Longer in Bed? Avoid These 3 Common Mistakes6921944

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According to the editors of Men's Health magazine, the number one question they receive from their readers is, "How can I last longer in bed?"

Many people offer tips and advice to help men last longer in bed. However, what is often not shared are the common mistakes that men should avoid when trying to improve their sexual stamina. The truth is, a lot of the things men do to improve their endurance actually hurts more than it helps. This article highlights three common mistakes you should avoid. If you want to learn more click here.

Mistake #1: Masturbating Before Having Sex (The Wrong Way, That is...)

This mistake is a little nuanced. You see, masturbating before having sex can help you last longer - and in fact, many men swear by it. But this trick can be dangerous if you are masturbating with the intention of getting it over quickly.

The problem with masturbating quickly is that you are training yourself to ejaculate quickly. Instead you need to retrain and rewire your reflexes, and increase your tolerance for sexual stimulation. Ironically, when implemented correctly, masturbation is one of the best ways to retrain yourself to withstand stimulation and last longer. But you have to do it right.

So, if you are one of those guys who jumps into the bathroom for 2 minutes before a hot date, you need to put an end to that bad habit right away!

Mistake #2: Spending Too Much Time on Foreplay

If you have trouble lasting longer than you had like, you may have heard the advice to "focus on foreplay." And many magazines and experts will recommend that you focus on foreplay in order to better satisfy your woman. The truth is a little more complicated.

The problem arises when you allow yourself to get too aroused during foreplay, so that you ejaculate soon after you begin intercourse. Of course, if you want to better satisfy your woman, you do need to pay attention to foreplay - but you have to do it right, and preserve an equilibrium.

The main element is always to preserve your excitement in balance so you do not get too enthusiastic too rapidly.

Mistake #3: Reliance on Artificial (Alleged) Solutions

There are numerous goods in the marketplace - atomizers, lotions, and capsules - that most state to help men last longer in bed. A few of these goods do complete whatever they assert. As an example, the nice desensitization atomizers (such as Stud 100) do desensitize you, and this assists you last longer.

If you desire a "quick fix," or if you are in a disaster, it's excellent to own different choices for your use. But when you want to manage premature ejaculation on the long-term, you need to handle the basis factors behind premature ejaculation - which are both bodily and emotional. And sadly these kind of unnatural goods do not accomplish that, since they simply handle the actual indicators. For that reason, they're similar to "cover-ups" as opposed to genuine solutions.

As opposed to depending on unnatural "solutions" to last longer, it's safer to train yourself in regards to the genuine factors behind rapid climax, and prepare yourself to last longer in bed obviously - and forever. If you want to learn more click here.