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The 3 Sad Truths About Internet Porn

Using the rise of porn on the Internet, many "free" web filters also began turning up. Have you ever used one of these simple free filters you know that they are rubbish. And many of these have lacking features that you need to purchase in order to use. So ultimately you end up spending money on what you thought you were getting into the first place! Now there are Three reasons why free porn blockers really are a waste of time, and i am sharing all of them with you.

Are They Really "Free"?

Most "no cost" web filters don't present each of the features that it promised initially. It's basically a marketing tool, to provide you with "a taste" of the items the particular filter is about. And after using this "incomplete" porn blocker, they'll start asking you to purchase bonus packs along with other additional software. You might not realize this, but the porn market is a billion dollar industry. They have been in this business quite a long time, and they know exactly how to design their adult content to slide "under the nets" of web filters, not to mention a FREE ones! They use various methods of getting their content onto your computer... without using a website. All they need offers some misspelled URLs, email links, and Pop-ups to dump their trash onto your desktop. These are just a few of the basic tactics that porn industries use to entice men and boys. So what is the use of downloading a free web-filtering software?

Free porn movies

Ineffective Website Blocking

There are no guarantees that the web filter will be able to block all porn because hey, it's free! If you had a filter that blocked out sites containing only mature words and porn company names, all of the porn workers have to do is misspell their site's domain name (as mentioned above), or they might simply give their website a neutral name like "White House". The keyword "Playboy" would obviously get blocked, but a keyword like "White House"... of course not.

File Sharing Sites

A totally free porn blocker is unable to block file-sharing websites. Exactly what is a file sharing site, and why do you need to block them? File-sharing sites are where people can come and download free music, videos, games, and just about anything else that's downloadable. But these sites are illegal. They contain free music that somebody else paid for (the same thing goes for movies). If you can download just about anything at file-sharing sites, then how about porn movie clips? Absolutely.

Now you can see why free web filters are surely a total waste of time. There is however more bad news. Most of the "paid" (yes paid) porn blockers are just badly as though it were a free one. They can't stop the examples mentioned above. So what will you do to protect your family?