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Relationship can be a war zone or a tranquil garden, and it's often you that create your own problems or a mismatch in individual personalities. Do you realize that you create the relationships that you desire and when you run into problems within a relationship? it can be a reflection of lack within your own being. It could also be the lack of vibration match for each other. The same element is constant - lack. This is what results in problems within a relationship, and it does not need to be within a loving relationship of a partner or family unit. You can feel the effects of lack in work relationships or with friendly relationships. The truth is that you have the power to attract what you desire in your relationships. Ever heard the saying "Like attracts Like?" It's true, and you attract what you vibrationally desire at the level you omit. Therefore you create your own success in relationships by your emotional output.

For instance, there are individuals that look for love, who want to find that mate for life and yet this goal can seem like a distant memory. One thing which you should learn is that you have to ask, again another saying springs to mind "ask, and it will be given" suggesting that if you don't ask, you don't get. So if you want a soul mate - ask the universe. There is an easy way to ask and be sure that you are specific - you don't want a mixed bag, do you? Take a note book and write a letter to your guardian angel or yourself. Be honest, say exactly how you feel, if you are lonely then say it. Next think of all the qualities that you would want in a partner and write them in your letter. If you want your partner to love the theatre - say so. Last but not least, thank the universe for bringing the partner of your dreams to you and hold the vision in your mind. Now sign off your letter and forget about it. Let the universe do the work for you.

There is nothing worse than loneliness, yet we have the ability to change this should we wish to. All you have to do is ask and send out your order into the universe. Patience is another important aspect of all this; do not expect things to happen immediately.

Jock Brocas is an internationally renowned Psychic medium. Jock works extensively with organizations to maintain the highest ethical behavior and standards in mediumship and spiritual Tarot advancement. He provides private readings for clients worldwide who are searching for evidence of life after death and past life connections. Jock has been featured extensively on radio shows and has appeared in the media worldwide. His articles have appeared in Psychic Times, Spirit and Destiny, Soul and Spirit, and many others. Jock is also the author of two upcoming books, Dark Waters (Llewellyn) and The Book of Six Rings (Tuttle). He offers retreats and workshops to individuals and corporations focusing on psychic development, mediumship, and modern-day spiritual development.