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Save Rainforests:Save Life

While you're wanting to uncover more [<<http://www.cuipo.org/Discover/TheRainforest/AbouttheRainforest>> about rainforest], the very first thing that you need to know is always that rainforest covers only 6% on the surface on this planet. Still, it houses over half of the world’s animal and plant species when compared with other biological communities of the planet. Hence, a rainforest is nothing but a tall and highly dense jungle that receives large quantities of rainfall every year. This is the way rainforest has been named.

About rainforest, an additional important point that you must know is they have four layers to them. The Emergent Layer includes the tallest trees which are 200 feet over the floor from the forest. Next is the Canopy Layer which is the principal layer of the forest and it's often regarded as the top for the following two layers- Understory Layer and the Forest Floor. The Understory Layer includes plants that don't grow more than 12 feet and houses animals and insects. On the other hand, the Forest Floor is rather dark as a result of absence of sun light that hardly reaches the layer.

Generally, the climate of the rainforest is hot and humid. It is considered that there is some 3000 plants housed within the rainforest with anti-cancer chemical products. Plenty of other pharmaceutical prescription medication is also developed through the plants of rainforest. Moreover, it is the recycling center on earth for oxygen production as well and is also transforming the carbon dioxide produced in the world into oxygen continuously. In the midst, one of the extremely saddening facts about rainforest is it has been destroyed, at an alarming rate of more than 108,000 acres being lost almost regularly.

Among the highly popular rainforest on the planet is the [<<http://www.cuipo.org>> Amazon rainforest] that covers the basin of the world’s second longest river, Amazon. The Amazon rainforest is the home to a wide variety of animals and plants of the planet. Approximately 1/10th of mammal species and 1/5th of birds and plant species are housed within this rainforest. Most of all, the Amazon rainforest is referred to as the Earth’s lungs because of it produces greater than 20%of Earth’s oxygen that's way more than any single source, hence, the crucial source of air we breathe.