Guild Wars 2 Strategy Guide1140762

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Guild Wars 2 strategy guide

Guild Wars 2 serves as a massive game--even for your MMO--and it may be tricky finding your bearings within its brave new world. But BradyGames is here to, using strategy guide that's hundreds of pages long and spells out everything you need to know in regards to the game. We've got some sample pages to check out, and also business 101 on the Ranger profession.
Try it out below, then peruse the second page for many people insanely high-res images as to the guide's undoubtedly pretty pages. Rangers are frontline fighters today, rearline firepower tomorrow, and skirmishers day-after-day now. Medium armor keeps them mobile but still able to survive a number of hits. Many weapons gives the ranger the opportunity to meet enemies on nearly any turf. Fighting at range allows the ranger to kick or punch multiple foes from safety, and using melee weapons makes them incredibly mobile and difficult to kick or punch. Pets are as varied and flexible just like the ranger as well as enemy that ignores a ranger’s pet is present in for a world of hurt. Rangers also have a wealth of group utility from traps and spirits. The spirits increase ally damage, include a new damage type, or even revive fallen allies. Traps slow, Poison, or Burn enemies. Rangers are the profession for you if you do in fact enjoy forcing the enemy to fight from the terms, or if possessing a smart animal companion sounds really intriguing.
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