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Communication is a continuous process. Everyone communicates human beings, birds' animals and even plants do. It may be verbal or non-verbal but we all communicate in some or other form. But the word "Gossip" is becoming popular than "Communication" We need good communication skills to interact and have a fine social life. But these days gossiping is taking the charge over communication. Gossip

Gossip is nothing but an idle talk or rumor. At every place, home, office, school, college we find gossipers who spend quality time in talking about others private stuff which is of no important to them.

It is an increasing trend. It is especially about the personal or private affairs of others. Gossip can be of your boss soon-to-be divorce or fight of a colleague with her husband. From television serials to serial killers, from movies to famous celebrities, all is equally same none of our business. But we enjoy talking about others.

And it is believed that gossip is one of the oldest and most common means of sharing facts and views. We get to know about each others lives through idle talking. The facts are disclosed about each others work and the opinion of others about anything and everything is certainly known. In fact it helps to get news of the current happenings in and out.

In religion like Islam, backbiting harms its victims without offering them any chance of defense, just as dead people cannot defend against their flesh being eaten. The Muslim people are expected to treat each other like brothers, deriving from the concept of Islam that brotherhood has to be developed amongst its believers.

These days we find Gossip magazines and programmes on television about the rumors, scandals and gupshup in newspapers there are gossip columnists.

Few people are just categorized as idle talkers who just pass time in gossiping and not like by others. Especially women are labeled as gossip queens who start gupshup in idle time and fill the devils workshop. But men stand at equal heights or say more in the gossip category.

The Social Issues Research Centre (SIRC), a nonprofit think tank in England, recently interviewed 1,000 cell phone users about how they use their phones for gossip and how gossip affects their lives. All the women in the survey admitted that 'gossips' are a part of their lives, but many male participants initially denied that they gossip. However the study found that 33 percent of men indulge in gossip almost every day, compared with 26 percent of women.

Nobody likes being talked about you at the back. Many say, I hate gossip but all do it in some way or the other. Not always there is transfer of negative information, there is also "Word of mouth" which is also a form of communication which spreads positive information and it is helpful. It comes next to rumors and gossip.

A Spanish Proverb says, "Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you". So be careful if you don't like being talk about you at the back, don't gossip. It always bites and never unites. Take care!

Looking for some gossip? check out this site: gossipwelove.com