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Ghana, in common with many other developing countries, has experienced difficulty in establishing an effective police service. Just before independence in March 1957, the colonial police force was recruited by British officers mainly from certain northern Moslem tribes that have established a reputation for honesty and discipline. These men owed their livelihoods for the colonial administration, and stationed typically far from their house villages, they served loyally about the oft-spoken principle of 'I like my pay.' Independence, however, inevitably led to the recruitment of your polyglot police force drawn more equitably from all of the tribes in the united states.

ghana entertainment - After independence, many Ghanaians viewed central government like a vestige of the former colonial regime using the police officers becasue it is protector, which view could very well happen to be strengthened through the continuing service of trained personnel from the colonial era. As time passed, the northerners became replaced and numerically diluted by recruits in the larger tribes with the centre and south of the united states. Regrettably, these newcomers in general were built with a stronger allegiance to clan or tribe than to their employer because a lot more officers served in their home region and amongst people speaking the identical vernacular. Moreover, the worsening economy reduced the need for salaries, further weakening ties towards the service. Rumours of corruption, nepotism and favouritism begun to proliferate.

In this manner, the police force missed a chance to evolve into a people's police, capable of working harmoniously with but for the public to keep law and order. Instead, it stayed seen by a lot of as a possible arm of your alien central government, and also at the same time a money-hungry predator with unfair powers to oppress the people. Few crimes were solved and lots of people suspected that many crimes reported towards the police were ignored without any attempt designed to investigate. Certain cases taken to court, prosecuted by semi-literate constables and defended by clever graduate lawyers, didn't yield convictions despite red-handed evidence.

ghana news - Some individual law enforcement officers, however, continued to serve nobly. In revolutionary instances when passing through Kumasi involved negotiating eleven road barriers setup by peoples' committees, workers' committees, the army as well as the police, just one person, a wizened and greying police corporal, called for the vehicle's papers and walked gravely all around checking registration, road tax, insurance and safety hazards. Naturally, he did not require a bribe before waving the automobile through.

Police on road traffic duty in Kumasi within the 1970s did much to create a degree of public fascination with the service. With a very busy traffic junction, Asafo Circle, they installed a round wooden platform which a police officer stood to direct the traffic. One man was an able acrobat and dancer who delighted passing motorists along with his clever antics and stylish, precise directions. He gained local celebrity status and crowds of pedestrians gathered to look at his performances, which did little to help ease congestion but entertained enormously.

ghana sports - Some mornings, this star performer was substituted with a lady officer of outstanding beauty who became equally popular. It had been said that she increased the traffic flow because many drivers diverted to pass from this long-legged goddess on her pedestal. The scene inspired one visiting expatriate academic to proclaim in an article that, 'Ghana has the world's most breathtaking traffic police.' If you have an easy method for your police service in Ghana to establish a warm-hearted relationship with the public, it could be signposted through the pioneering efforts with this duo.