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Several people are unaware of the hotly debated topic of nicotine as a n addictive substance. Some authorities claim the substance is only a psychological addiction, whilst other specialists claim it is in truth a physiological affliction. I was after contacted by a expert hypnotist who rebuked me for my assertion th... The debate continues among healthcare specialists and rehabilitation specialists as to whether or not nicotine in cigarettes is really an addictive substance. vapor cigarettes Several men and women are unaware of the hotly debated subject of nicotine as a n addictive substance. Some authorities claim the substance is only a psychological addiction, even though other specialists claim it is in fact a physiological affliction. I was when contacted by a specialist hypnotist who rebuked me for my assertion that I had overcome a nicotine addiction. He proudly touted the reality that nicotine is not a bodily addiction and that my commentary on the issue was unethical. This notion is hilarious really. I admit a little research will turn up mixed opinions on the situation. For instance in 1996 best executives of leading tobacco organizations created public claims downplaying the notion of nicotine as a physically addictive chemical. And several independent scientific research have suggested that nicotine is either not the only addictive substance in cigarettes, or that this chemical only causes psychological dependency and no real physical addiction. On the other hand, In February 2000 the Royal College of Physicians published a report on nicotine addiction which concluded that Cigarettes are extremely effective nicotine delivery devices and are as addictive as drugs such as heroin or cocaine. Id truly like to take this post away from the flawed debate of physical vs. psychological and make a much more relevant point. It makes no distinction what scientists are able to prove in a lab at this stage, we all know smoking is a habit that becomes an obsession, and this obsession has killed millions of men and women. More importantly for the purposes of this report, numerous surveys have concluded that 80% (or more) of all smokers express a wish to quit, but say they have tried without achievement on several occasions. If thats not an addiction I frankly dont know what is. v2 cigs coupon All this speak about mental addiction, bodily addiction, and so on. is totally moot. Quantum physics has completed a fabulous job of proving the function of thoughts in actually generating the physical circumstances in an individuals life. With this in mind, the entire debate presented by tobacco company executives and hypnosis marketers loses all footing as far as Im concerned. Even so you wish to slice it, smoking is an addiction. Its particularly difficult to break this deadly habit, and only individuals people with severe intention, a rock solid program, and a excellent assistance network are most likely to obtain the ultimate target of smoking cessation.