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Weight Loss Tips

While most of us would like to have a flat stomach the thought of doing endless sit ups and crunches doesn’t really appeal that much. Even if you are exercising every day and watching what you are eating results can still take ages to show especially if you haven’t exercised for a while. So are there any shortcuts you can take? There are a number of devices on the market that you can buy to make working out a little easier. While most of them will help to strengthen muscles you will still need to watch what you eat to see results.

SlenderTone SlenderTone is probably the most famous manufacturer of ab belts although there are other cheaper versions available which are just as effective. The belt works by electrically stimulating muscles in the stomach to contract the same way they would do if you were exercising. So you can sit on the sofa watching TV and your body thinks you are doing sit ups! These types of belts work well but they won’t produce miracles. Regular use will definitely firm and strengthen ab muscles but unless you lose a little weight no one will know.

Ab Roller This is a very cheap piece of equipment that is ideal for use in the home. It works the muscles in the shoulders, arms and stomach in one easy to do and simple exercise. It is definitely a lot easier and a lot less boring than doing crunches and anyone can use it. There are a number of exercises that you can do with it although as with any piece of gym equipment you should start off slowly and build up gradually.

Ab Circle Pro Abdominal Exerciser You may have seen this piece of equipment advertised on TV. It features on one of those infomercials where everyone using it is slim and toned with rippling abs. While some people have had results using this many more say that it is a bit gimmicky and not done a lot for them. There have been complaints that it is poorly made and even of people falling off it when they are using it. With the price at over £100 there are probably many better pieces of equipment that you could buy that will achieve better results.

While there are lots of exercise aids you can use it is still going to take a little time and effort to get the abs you want.

All this and much more at capsiplex