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These things will make you feel satisfied to own your home. Sprucing up your rooms with new drapes, fresh paint or comfy furnishings takes your spaces to new levels. Read this article for useful advice on how you can decorate your home like the house on a magazine cover!

Get creative when redesigning your kitchen counter tops. Granite is always a popular choice, but wood, cork and other materials work great. These other materials can cost less and be better looking.

If you want to paint a room, take your time! Rushing could cause you to make some poor color choices. Gather many different paint samples, apply these samples onto your wall, and then give yourself a few days to decide. Observe how they look under different lighting. This way, you'll know if a color you thought you loved turned into a bad choice due to mid-day light.

There are colors that can increase the size of a room, like light neutral tones that reflect light. An apartment, in particular, benefits well from this type of technique. Choosing the correct color will make a smaller space feel much roomier.

If your young child brings home a lot of artwork from school, do not just put them up on your refrigerator with magnets. This can make the fridge look cluttered and you'll soon run out of room. Frame them instead, and hang them in prominent places in your home. Rotate his art through these frames periodically. This is a prettier way to showcase your child's pictures, and it will make him proud to see his artwork displayed so beautifully.

You can lower your design budget by opting for quality pieces from big-box merchants. Purchasing decor from a high-end designer can cost lots of money. However, you can typically find similar items without having the brand name of the designer for much cheaper. Only buy designer brands if similar items cannot be found at a lower cost.

Try using reflective floor surfaces to enhance the natural light in a room. White tile and hardwood floors are two types of reflective flooring. These styles can add some needed brightness to the room, while darker colored flooring can basically trap natural light.

When designing a space in your home, try to remain consistent. If you possess a modern looking fireplace, then a timely couch will look bad with it. When you mesh things together with a real theme you can create a good looking place for you to live.

Create some form of collection. The best collections combine three or more interesting and closely related pieces. You may collect anything that strikes your fancy, so let your interests guide you. Anything more than two items will make a pleasing display. Three pictures counts as a collection. Create a display of your new collection so you have something to talk to guests about.

Frequent your local garage sales and antique shops for inexpensive lamps. Vintage or gently used accent lamps can easily be used to bring light to out of the way places around your home or to spotlight items of interest, such as artwork. By purchasing a used lamp, you can save money on decorating.

You can make your home look great with just a few changes. Interior design can bring out your inner artist. Hopefully, you now have fresh ideas from this article, and can put your ideas into place so that you may soon design the home you really want.

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