Eating To Get Rid Of Candidiasis

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Author: Edmund Morales

The term "yeast infection" can strike panic in the most stalwart heart. An overgrowth of the fungus candida results in a yeast infection, medically termed candidiasis. Candida yeast naturally exists in the human body and does not harm its host. If the yeast gets out of control, it can lead to the many unpleasant symptoms of a yeast infection. The unchecked growth of this yeast subdues the body's other healthy organisms which then results in an imbalance that heralds the unpleasant and sometimes dangerous symptoms associated with yeast infection.

An improper diet is one of the causes of candidiasis. Thus, an effective way to treat candida is to make suitable changes to the diet. Such a diet proves detrimental to candida, killing off the yeast and reducing the symptoms, eventually restoring the body to a healthy condition.

Candida overgrowth is associated with many different symptoms. Loose bowels or, conversely, constipation are two of the digestion issues that can be symptoms of a yeast infection. There are also skin-based conditions such as psoriasis, athlete's foot, and eczema to name a few. Of all the different manifestations of candida overgrowth, the infection that shows up in the genital region is the most well-known. This often leads to vaginitis and itching. Often, sufferers of yeast infections constantly crave sweets. It is also possible to feel extremely tired, depressed, or moody.

Removing sugar from the sufferer's diet is essential, since any kind of sugar feeds candida. Sweeteners are the primary target to eliminate. They directly worsen the condition. It is also important to eliminate any foods that convert to sugar right after they are consumed. This must be done until the infection has been cured. White rice and most other grains are among the foods that are rapidly converted to sugar. One of the worst choices of food is flour, as well as other elements that contain gluten. Baked goods, cereal, crackers, and bread are all off the menu when eliminating white flour. It is also important to avoid drinking juice and eating excessive amount of fruit, both of which contain sugar, until the infection is cleared up.

All processed foods are taboo, not only because they often contain refined grains and sugars, but because their over-processing diminishes nutrient value and adds more stress to an already overloaded system. Grass-fed meats should be chosen over antibiotic-injected meats whenever possible, since the antibiotics used kill good bacteria.

Just as there are foods to avoid when treating yeast infections, there are also foods that should be eaten in abundance. A candida cleansing diet includes organic meat and cultured dairy from animals and poultry that have not been treated with antibiotics. Veggies, berries, green apples, lemons, and small portions of brown rice are all great foods to eat to combat yeast infections. If the infection is not very severe, other fruits can also be included. People who have extensive yeast infections, however, need to be more careful with their fruit consumption. Healthy microorganisms in the form of probiotics are helpful to combat yeast infections. Such microorganisms are contained in kefir, tempeh, Yakult, miso, and yogurt.

Supplements can further help in the battle against candida. Goldenseal, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, and oregano oil are some examples. Spices that are highly fragrant, like cloves, coriander, curry, and cinnamon, should be included in meals as often as possible.

These supplements can be added to the food as it is being prepared or sprinkled on a dish afterward for flavor. Many are also available in the form of capsules and pills for easy consumption. Combination supplements developed to battle candida outbreaks are available in many health stores.

If left unchecked, candida infections can quickly turn into other major ailments with more drastic outcomes. Thus, it is imperative that this infection is treated at the very onset. Eating an anti-candida diet is a great way of battling this persistent fungus. These foods will keep the infection from growing further and will help make the sufferer healthier in the long run.