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lose belly fat fast

It is a fact that the majority of individuals in today's world really do not enjoy having that extra flab around their midsections. Then again, most would opt to just be okay with it and settle on having it. Some lose hope and stick to the idea that there is just no effective way to burn their body fat. You, yourself, might have subjected yourself to various regimens in an attempt to lose body fat but found yourself unsuccessful. Hence, you lose all hope and fore go any more trying. That should not be the direction you ought to follow. You must take heart and believe that there is an effective way out there, because in truth, there is an effective strategy that might just be the one you are waiting for. It may entail that you do away with your old misconceptions about fat loss for you to succeed.

Diet and exercise are two components of the strategy. There's basically nothing new about this tandem. The key lies on the 2 unique ways you will go about these techniques.

In dieting, the most effective regimen is to go for a diet low in carbohydrates. This is because the body burns calories in the following order: carbohydrates first, then fats, then protein. If you lower your intake of carbohydrates, which is the primary source of energy for most people, your body will then consume your fat first. After the metabolic switch, your body will then make fat its primary source of energy, which means that it will burn more body fat that the usual percentage.

But you should not fret. This doesn't mean you have to zero down on carbs. Eating less than a hundred grams of carbohydrates a day would pass for a low-carbohydrate diet.

In exercising, you need not perform excessive cardio. Contrary to what you may know, overdoing cardio exercises will eventually lead your body to break down your lean tissue and cause muscle wasting. You should instead do 'high intensity interval training' which requires you to do cardio exercises in varying intensity, that is perform low- intensity exercises first, followed by high-intensity ones. This type of exercise will help you burn 50% more fat than a cardio with steady intensity. Moreover, another good thing about this exercise is that you only need to do it 10-20 minutes at a time. Obviously less exhausting but evidently more effective!