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Why would you want to make your business holiday postcards personal? "After all, this is business," you might be thinking. Think for a moment how many plain, vanilla, boring holiday greetings you have received over the years. Or, what about all those "special offers" disguised as holiday greetings? Then, there's the holiday card that says nothing more than "We're still in business at the same address and we wonder if we have your current address. We're willing to bet the postage that we do."

Those are the robosigned cards with no personal greeting. If you're going to take the time and spend the money to wish customers a happy holiday season, find a way to add a personal touch. Postcards

1. Send a Custom Photo for Your Holiday Postcard

There's something unique about every business that can translate into a custom photo on a holiday postcard. Perhaps you own a pet store that has a resident dog or cat. Include them in a team photo. If you're a family business that's run out of a renovated historical home, how about a photo in front of that historical building? If you're a solo owner, you can include a family photo that communicates that your entire family sends its best wishes. The holidays are a time of the year that emphasizes family-put some of your "family" into your photo postcard designs. postcard stamps

2. Create a Unique Design for Your Holiday Postcard

Another way to add "warm fuzzies" to your holiday postcard design is to include a fun graphic or illustration on the postcard. Think back to your childhood; do you smile whenever you hear Alvin and the Chipmunks? You too can come up with something equally fun that you can run with each holiday season-sort of a holiday brand for your business. Unless you run a funeral home, there's always room for a little humor in your postcard design, something that is uniquely yours.

3. Don't Sell or Make an Offer

There's a time for business and a time for holiday greetings, and your holiday greeting postcard is not the time to make an offer or announce a sale. You can, and probably should, make a holiday offer, but you can do that in an email blast or a separate direct mail piece. There's only one reason to send a holiday greeting postcard, and that's to wish your customers a happy holiday season.

As long as your holiday postcard sends a tasteful greeting, you can have some fun with it and interject some of your personality and the personality of your business. One thing that will set you apart from many businesses is the simple act of hand-signing your postcards. It's such a little thing, but it will get noticed, and it'll go a long way toward personalizing your holiday greeting postcards.