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You have almost undoubtedly asked yourself this question at least once - of all the lotto games on the planet, which is the one that provides the largest opportunity to win life-changing levels of money?

Of course, Theres no shortage of people with an opinion about this subject So-called experts are everywhere on the internet, each with their own view on the magic formula for winning on the lottery We suggest you ignore them and avoid paying them money Instead you should focus on the far more important issue of which games give you the best odds of winning That is all that matters ultimately

The first thing you must do is compile a list of the games with the best odds playerslottery After that you should look at which one offers you the best chance of winning according to the money you have available

Now the first thing that needs to be said is that some of the bigger and best-known lotteries arent going to feature in this list It is certainly not the German lotto where you have a painful 1 in 139,838,160 chance of winning the jackpot

Similarly it is not the hugely popular Italian lotto, the Super Enalotto The odds of winning this big prize are a stratospheric 1 in 622,614,630 you have got more chance of becoming Pope than you have of landing that prize

When it comes to the worlds mainstream lotteries the best odds are offered by two lesser known games - the Belgian lotto and the Japanese game, Loto6 The former offers odds of 1 in 5,245,786 while the second offers 1 in 6,096,454 Neither of these odds are, of course, very tempting

To improve on this you need to look around at the less well-known - and more innovative - games that are popping up online In our view the best of these is The Players Lottery With The Players Lotto - which is restricted to 300,000 tickets each with a unique number between 1 and 300,000 - the odds are just 1 in 300,000 on winning the guaranteed 10 million Euro prize As if this isnt a good enough incentive, you can improve these odds even further by buying multiple tickets which can cut the odds to just 1 in 1,500 Those are frighteningly good odds in anyones book

The other attractive thing about the Players Lottery is that you can adopt a strategy that suits you and your budget You can buy shares in tickets rather than a whole ticket and Theres also an option for syndicates the players lottery online This, in particular, is a really good way of giving you and your friends or work colleagues the maximum chance to win the big prize For this, and other reasons, we think the Players Lotto is an outstanding opportunity for lotto players around the world to win a substantial prize that can change their lives forever Join The Players Lotter