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We are inside a crisis and not too many people know about it! In fact, were LOST at Sea!

There is a Treaty prior to the Senate that requirements your focus in fervent OPPOSITION in opposition to it! It is called the Law of the Sea Treaty or LOST! Final week, Obama spokesmen Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, and General Mark Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff all testified in favor of the LOST Treaty

Mr Obama is currently inside a full court press to quickly drive for ratification of this worthless and harmful treaty That is why youll need to respond these days!

Accession to the U N Convention on the Law of the Sea Treaty would EXPOSE the united states to baseless, climate change lawsuits!

The Law of the Sea Treaty LOST threatens American SOVEREIGNTY!

Our Senate Should NOT RATIFY this ghastly, anti American treaty!

Make sure they do not ratify the LOST Treaty so our American sovereignty will not be affected!

However the powers that be The Federal government along with their minions wish to pass this treaty thats been waiting within the wings for 3 A long time!

THIRTY Years Ago, in 1982, President Ronald Reagan produced a choice to NOT sign the treaty referred to as Law of the Sea LOST, a U N treaty that would undermine Americas treasury for billions of dollar, then REDISTRIBUTE that wealth towards the rest of the planet

The conclusion: The us does not need to be a part of another United Nations treaty!

Nevertheless, LOST shouldnt be ratified and signed, and instead, the Obama Administration should flip its focus to making sure the US Navy has the resources it needs to protect Americas passions on the higher seas

Barack Obama is able to sign the U N treaty that will give the us sovereign manage more than our own waters towards the United Nations

70% of the earths surface!! When the treaty is signed, the United Nations can regulate fishing, oil production, as well as United states of america Navy exercises All of our actions may be monitored from the United Nations!

President Ronald Reagan was right in rejecting this treat 30 many years in the past!! Below international law, we Have already got access to those areas LOST quantities to little more than a costly power grab by Americas enemies globally!

Steve Groves, of the Heritage Foundation, an authority on LOST, writes: Together with needlessly exposing itself to baseless environmental lawsuits, the us would be needed to transfer trillions of dollars in oil and gas royaltiesto the Worldwide Seabed Authority for redistribution to the creating world

Please Contact every United states Senator to create certain they do not ratify the LOST Treaty so our American sovereignty wont be impacted!

Conservatives believe that this treaty would power the us to redistribute prosperity via royalties from offshore drilling and impose regulations on greenhouse gases

An outspoken critic of the LOST Treaty is Jim DeMint R SC, who stated: This treaty would subordinate American sovereignty towards the U N , impose an international tax on US power manufacturing that will raise expenses for American households, and act as a backdoor Kyoto Protocol that may allow overseas nations to manage US energy emissions

TWENTY SIX REPUBLICAN SENATORS have signed a letter circulated by DeMint vowing to oppose the treaty if it gets towards the Senate for a vote!

Heritage Foundation president Ed Feulner, in 2007, explained the proposal inside a Washington Times editorial:

This authority would essentially be an aquatic U N from the sea certainly, Law of the Sea Treaty is a U N conference Besides, rather of issuing toothless condemnations of the United states, this authority might have the real energy to thwart American passions For instance, the treaty would empower environmental activists to bring action against the US for violating the Kyoto Protocol, though the Senate never ratified that accord and senators sensibly produced it clear they wouldnt agree to Kyoto if it might hurt American financial passions

Such as you, we are worried this treaty would cede United states sovereignty to an worldwide organization the UN that would possess the power to collect royalties on oil and mineral exploitation and make use of the money to assist poorer nations,

During the listening to this previous week, US Senator Jim Risch stated, Theres 288 pages here But when weve to surrender 1 scintilla of sovereignty this nation has fought, has bled forI cannot vote for it!

Forbes columnist Larry Bell reports that as a lot as seven percent of US authorities revenue thats collected from oil and gasoline businesses working off our coastline would be meted out to poorer, landlocked nations

The bottom line: LOST is simply an additional energy grab by the Federal Governmentor shall we say POWER GIVEAWAY from the sea that the United states of america currently controls!

But signing on to the LOST treaty, no matter what Obama, Hillary and Panetta say, is of course NOT in the very best financial interest from the United states of america of America!

Will you Make sure you ensure that our Senators do not indicator this treaty!

Make sure you Contact every United states of america Senator to create certain they dont ratify the LOST Treaty so our American sovereignty wont be impacted!

The United Nations is in opposition to our national sovereignty as well as our republican form of authorities The ratification of LOST would open up up a multitude of financial problems towards the United states! International taxes and regulations that do not promote economic development could be horrendous to US corporations The increase in possible environmental lawsuits could be astronomical We have to vote NO against the LOST Treaty!

Fox Information published a commentary by US Senator Orrin Hatch R UT and U Ocean InitiativeS Senator John Cornyn R TX where they mentioned: Under the treaty, the transfer of these money doesnt end with nation states These royalty revenues would also be extended to peoples who have not attained complete independence or other self governing standing That means groups such as the Palestinian Authority and potentially other groups with terrorist ties Ocean Initiative

US Ocean Initiative companies could be forced to give absent the very types of innovation that historically have produced our nation a globe chief while fueling our financial motor Below the best of US economic conditions, the Senate should say no to such an egregious breach of the believe in Americans have placed in us Our present economic struggles are all the more reason to say no to a treaty that is all price and no benefit!

Ceding authoritywould imply the sovereignty currently held from the US over the natural resources located on big components of the continental shelf could be LOST That loss would mean LOST income for the US authorities in the type of LOST royalties that the US government collects from the manufacturing of those resources

Estimates are the resources possess a worth in the range of trillions

Nevertheless, any type of international taxation would be a immediate violation of the United states of america Structure Signing the Lost Treaty is not only in the worst financial interest of this nation, it breaks the true sovereignty which we now enjoy

Yet again, Mr Obama has embraced the developments towards a One Globe Government! LOST gives absent our sovereign rights

And significantly, it pushes us in direction of an financial disaster!

But, this really is all a part from the Great Giveaway for that sake of Barack Obamas Green Agenda

Its essential which you fax these days in support against this Law from the Sea Treaty to cede manage to the United Nations

Please fax our United States Senate NOW to make sure there is no LOST!

This socialist scheme cannot stand!

P S Your response will help make your Senators more conscious of this disaster at sea The Federal Government wants to ratify this treaty Quickly Thats why your voice must be heard these days! Please fax NOW!

Please Call every United states of america Senator to make certain they do not ratify the LOST Treaty so our American sovereignty will not be affected!