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Beautiful Vacation Destination of Belitung Island

Belitung island or Pulau Belitung is part of Indonesia archipelago. There are several beautiful and exotic beaches you should see someday. It truly is good spot for vacation destination and a lot of less expensive when compared with other famous Indonesia holiday destination like Lombok or Bali.

Incidentally, seen about Belitung island before?

Never? Well, it's not at all your false if you never heard before because this island will not be exposed in intensive way yet. However, there are numerous tour and travel businesses that provide Paket Wisata Belitung or Belitung vacation holidays.

Now, allow me to to continue suggesting the location where the Belitung exactly is. Belitung located within Bangka Belitung archipelago that is made of 98 island, big and small, beside Sumatra. You can even examine against eachother via Google map.

The well recognized vacation destinations within the Belitung or Tempat Wisata Belitung island are as follow:

- Tanjung Kiras Beach

- Bukit Berahu resort

- Tanjung Kalayang Beach

- Tanjung Tinggi beach

- Lengkuas Island

Next Planning to inform you of in regards to the great thing about Tanjung Kelayang in addition to Tanjung Tinggi beach unfortunately I am unable to attach some pictures because it is a no-no. When you are interested to understand the pictures have a trip to all the links I attach in the bottom as soon as i've.

Tanjung Tinggi beach

The beach is flanked by two peninsulas, is not as much as 2 km from Tanjung Kelayang beach. you could find clean pristine, festooned by granite boulders about 15 meters height at its offshore and shore.

This cove-shaped beach sized approximately 100 meters to your length, 8 meters width in low tide with 1 km long beach, and 5 meters width in high tide. With the east end, there exists a pile of rocks what one in the gap forms a passable tunnel. The oxygen flowing inside the rock hall is really cool, as in the air-conditioned room.

Across from that beach continues to be built a resort named "The Villa Lor in Tanjung Tinggi", with complete amenities and also be considered as the primary of the very most comprehensive resort at Bangka Belitung archipelago. Tanjung Tinggi beach region is perfect for sun bathing, fishing, diving, swimming, jet skiing or simply enjoying pristine sand at shore in the beach.

Tanjung Kelayang Beach

Location from the beach is about 27 km from Tanjung Pandan town, is usually a beach that's a great view. The coconut trees along the coast, smooth floury white sand and quiet blue sea, forms a bay with granite rocks carpets for the west side makes this beach is perfectly exciting.

For the superior seashore you can find posts where fishermen tether their motorboats before sailing. Tanjung Kelayang has around 1.5 km coast length, 7 meters wide beach (in high wave) and 10 meters (in low wave). This beach covers 60 acres wide areaand absolutely suitable for sun bathing or swimming one of several amazing arranged rocks of granite. Having beautiful view, Tanjung Kelayang obviously will be the right spot for professional photographers to satisfy their hobby.