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Lets go In order to be positive about this, one has to ask a celeb face-to-face in order to determine whether or not that celebrity is utilizing a vaporizer to prepare weed But would they tell the entire world? I doubt that And, for some reason, they simply aren�t answering my calls (kidding) How nice would it be if the Hollywood Walk of Fame would also provide us with information about these stars with some marijuana leaf next to their names That might be useful At the same time an app could possibly be developed so that we could use it on our mobile phones and see where the next celeb is living which is vaping That would be a pleasant house visit to these stars, don\'t you think The same could be carried out with Google maps It really is nice to dream because not possible at this moment I enjoy exercise my brain by imagining which celeb would be using which vaporizer and particularly, why I\'ve five vaporizer brands in addition to my head and I try to imagine which vaporizer would fit a certain personality and why 1 A portable vaporizer: the vapir No2 vaporizer This vaporizer would have a huge appeal to personalities like Pixie lott and Wiz Khalifa I am sure of the as they have a very futuristic appearance One thing is for sure, the all-black appearance would fit Jay-Z Leonard Nemoy would be pulled towards this vaporizer [1] But before trying this vaporizer first needed to be tested by the Enterprise obviously Charly Sheen loves this vaporizer without a doubt 2 The Iolite: Somehow the packaging with this vaporizer resembles the iPhone Really, how big this vaporizer is really small, I know for certain it would fit in every pocket or purse with the stars That one is easy to hide This is exactly what Natalie Portman and Bill Maher are seeking They have this device in it and this small toker provides them with the opportunity to get them through any event The techy looks will be loved by Sting and Bono Charlie Sheen such as this one for sure 3 The MFLB vaporizer: The name of this vaporizer makes me imagine one of the songs of Alanis Morrisette Natural wood design gives this vaporizer a far more earthy� look, which would make the Magic Light Box more pleasing to celebs like Willie Nelson, Tom Green, Danny Glover and Woody (duh!) Harrelson It appeas like a device through the 70s and therefore Olson would want it as well As a cowboy, Matthew McConaughey want the wooden appearance as well Charlie Sheen will be the next to obtain one like these as well 4 The digit Volcano vaporizer: This can be a heavy duty vaporizer; in weight (1,6 kg) and from a quality perspective It comes with a mouthpiece as well as Polythene balloons that can be filled It is a big device, bigger than all others, but it also will give you the best vapor These filled balloons might have a great appeal to Paris Hilton, Roseanne as well as Sarah Silverman This would be the preferred device by Charlie Sheen I guess 5 [2] The Arizer vaporizer: Another dual-function balloon-style/ direct-inhale vaporizer, the Arizer�s temperature, fan speed and timer can be set by handheld remote control This is a very easy vaporizer It is not very expensive and it has a feature that it\'ll turn itself if not being used over a period of time [3] This is the vaporizer for lazy people Individuals who want to get high, try not to want to move at all I think of Jack Black and Zach Galifanakis As well I see Wolf Blitzer too Ok, not Wolf Blitzer However would like to add one individual to this list: Charlie Sheen