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OK In order to be positive about this, one has to ask a celeb directly in order to determine whether you aren\'t that celebrity is utilizing a vaporizer in order to smoke weed But would they tell the planet? I doubt that I have already been trying to contact these celebs about this habit of them But somehow they do not respond to my request I wonder why! How nice will it be if the Hollywood Walk of Fame would provide us with information about these stars with some marijuana leaf next to their names That would be useful At the same time an app could possibly be developed so that we can use it on our smart phones and see where the next celeb is living and is particularly vaping That would be a nice house visit to these stars, isn\'t it The same could be done with Google maps It is nice to dream because this is not possible at this moment But, it really is fun to smoke out and consider which film and/or TV celebs would work with a Vaporizer, and which brand they would have used I think of the 5 most popular vaporizers and I try to imagine why a personaly would use that specific vaporizer 1 The Vapir N02 Portable: Rhianna and Wiz Khalifa would love this vaporizer because of its futuristic looks Specially the \'all-black\' appearance would be the selection for Jay-Z Leonard Nemoy would even be pulled towards this vaporizer But before trying this vaporizer first needed to be tested by the Enterprise needless to say [1] I think Charly Sheen likes this vaporizer too 2 the Iolite vaporizer will be the second vaporizer: Somehow the packaging of the vaporizer resembles the iPhone [2] This vaporizer is small It will easily fit in the pocket of the jeans or purse with the rich and famous It is so easy to hide until this would certainly have an appeal on Natalie Portman and Bill Maher They could easily have this gadget on them, hidden needless to say, and this would be ideal in order to get them through every event they certainly as this mini toker will be very handy at certain moments of their lives Due to its techy looks, this device would appeal to Bono and Sting at the same time Charlie Sheen such as this one for sure [3] 3 Our third vaporizer is the Magic Flight Launch Box vaporizer: It almost seems like the title of one of the songs of Alanis Morrisette, is it not Therefore I see here using this type of vaporizer The natural wood design gives this vaporizer a much more earthy� look, which would make the Magic Light Box more inviting to celebs like Willie Nelson, Tom Green, Danny Glover and Woody (duh!) Harrelson It doesn\'t look new It really looks like a machine which has been made in the 70s This is the reason Olson would like this device as well Mountain-boy Matthew McConaughey would like the fact it was made out of wood Who would also love this one? Charlie Sheen needless to say 4 The Volcano: This vaporizer is heavy; 1,6 kg It\'s not a portable vaporizer With both a mouthpiece along with a filling attachment for filling the 2 Polythene balloons that come with it, the Volcano is considerably greater than the other vaporizers mentioned This vaporizer offers you the opportunity to fill up balloons full of \'aroma\'/vapor This is of course what might have a great attract Paris Hilton She would go to one of her Hilton rooms and connect Roseanne and Sarah Silvermann and have a huge toking session on the internet for This would be the preferred device by Charlie Sheen I assume 5 The Arizer: The remote device is a great feature Relatively cheap and it will turn itself off if not used This is the vaporizer for lazy people People who want to get high, try not to want to move in any respect I think of Jack Black and Zach Galifanakis As well I see Wolf Blitzer also No, I wish to withdraw the option with Wolf Blizer But, Charlie Sheen would love this one Definitely