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You knew you'd have a great deal of questions and concerns as a new mother, but did you ever imagine that so many would be about nursing. Below you will find some methods for how to breastfeed . Bear in mind it takes some time to get accustomed to nursing your new newborn.

Positioning your infant properly is important. Your natural tendency will be to place baby's mouth aligned with your nipple, but lining up your nipple with baby's nose actually works much better. Positioning your hands correctly might help too. Your hands ought to be underneath the breast, many women place their hand beside the breast, which is not quite as effective. You shouldn't be afraid or uncomfortable when you have questions. Call up your local lactation counselor.

Many moms must return to work after their babies are born, and this can be stressful time especially if you are nursing your baby. You don't only have the anxiety of leaving your new baby, but you want to continue breastfeeding also. By pumping your breast milk you can return to work and keep on breastfeeding.

You'll want to invest in a new hospital quality pump. They're a bit costly, but the investment is worth it because it works well and above all you are able continue nursing your new baby. It is not suggested that you buy a pre-owned breast pump, as you can pass along viruses even though you buy a new accessory kits to go with the used pump. You will have to have a private place to pump, and that doesn't mean the lavatory. If you do not have your own personal office, work some thing out with your employer. The milk should also be stored in a refrigerator. If the refrigerator is for public use, and you wouldn't like the milk out in the open consider utilising an insulated lunch bag to place the bottles in within the fridge.