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Everyone, everywhere loves the lottery Its a global phenomenon, with millions of people from Mumbai to Melbourne, Paris to Peking, trying their luck in their local prize draws And no matter where they pick up a ticket, the dream is the same - a holiday of a lifetime, a new home or simply enough cash to ensure they and their family are secure for the rest of their lives

Of course, for a fortunate few, the dream comes true Every week, it seems, we read of the latest big winner But where in the world do you have the best odds of winning the big prize? Which countries - and which draws - give you the greatest opportunity to change your life? This article will give you a few useful pointers

As you probably know, all lotteries require you to correctly predict a sequence of numbers that are released from a lottery machine Often this is a main sequence of balls drawn from a high number of potential numbers, followed by a shorter sequence drawn from a lower number of balls, often known as the bonus balls You dont have to be a mathematical genius to work out that the more numbers you need to correctly predict, the longer the odds on you winning - and vice versa

This explains why the lottery that is considered the most difficult to win is the Italian Super Enalotto draw which needs you to guess six numbers between one and 90 That means the odds on you getting it right are a depressing one in 622,614,630

Another lottery with long odds if the German Lotto, which gives players a one in 139,838,160 chance of selecting the winning ticket how can i win the lottery

Another long shot is the Euromillions draw This attracts a huge number of players - and produces some big wins too But the odds on landing the jackpot are not great, one in 116,531,800 to be precise

But which lotteries provide you with the greatest chance of hitting the big time? That is easy It is the Players Lottery, an online competition that asks players to correctly guess one number in the sequence from 1 to 300,000 how can i win the lottery

As you will have worked out already, that makes the odds of winning exactly one in 300,000, a massively more favourable set of odds than any other lottery The Players Lottery is also attractive because it limits the number of people who can enter - and guarantees a prize draw of 10 million Euros It is little wonder that it is fast emerging as one of the most popular lottery around

The bottom line, of course, is that odds are one thing - and luck is another odds winning powerball If Lady Luck is on your side you could win - and win big in any of the many draws that are now available online So why not take a look around at the options and invest in a lottery ticket today It could be the day your life changes forever