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Lets go It can be clear that it is impossible to understand for sure that celebs are choosing vaporizers at all in order to consume cannabis In order to know for sure one should question them personally I don\'t know what it is I have been stalking a lot of the celebrities about their vaporizer habit, but non ones have responded yet I wonder why [1] It would be great if there were a marijuana leaf near the stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, or possibly a Home of the Stars Who Make use of a Vaporizer� Star Map, or possibly a Vaporizer to the Stars� search result on Google It\'s nice to dream because this is not possible at this moment I love to exercise my brain by imagining which celeb will be using which vaporizer and especially, why It can be fun to think of the five most common vaporizers in the marketplace and I try to imagine why this vaporizer would really fit to your specific personality 1 The portable vaporizer Vapir No2 Seeing that the Vapir NO2 resembles a water bottle for astronauts or perhaps a missile from the Bat Mobile, futuristic trendsetters out and about, like Wiz Khalifa, or Rhianna, might use this vaporizer One thing is for sure, the all-black appearance would fit Jay-Z At the same time I understand for sure that this is going to be something Leonard Nemoy would like But before trying this vaporizer first should be tested by the Enterprise of course Charly Sheen loves this vaporizer without a doubt 2 the Iolite vaporizer may be the second vaporizer: The packaging can be so commercial, that I immediately consider the iPhone Really, the size of this vaporizer is so small, I know for certain it would fit in every pocket or purse of the stars Easily concealable, just like the true lives of some celebs, actors like Natalie Portman, or TV talkers like Bill Maher would tote this mini-toker in addition to them to maintain� at any event The looks might have an appeal on tech lovers also And this is why I believe this device would be suitable for Bone and Sting too vaporizer review Charlie Sheen would dig this revolutionary product too 3 The special moment Fligh Launch Box vaporizer: With a name that feels like a lost Alanis Morrisette song, this wonderful time Light Box is a battery-powered portable vaporizer that accompany it�s own AA batteries and 12v charger Natural wood design gives this vaporizer a more earthy� look, which would increase the risk for Magic Light Box more desirable to celebs like Willie Nelson, Tom Green, Danny Glover and Woody (duh!) Harrelson It doesn\'t look new It truly looks like a machine that\'s been made in the 70s [2] This is why Olson would like this device as well Matthew McConaughey is a wood lover and therefor as a cowboy he needs to have one Charlie Sheen will be one of the customers as well 4 The Volcano: This is not a portable vaporizer as its weight is huge; 1,6 kg This is definitely the biggest vaporizer of these vaporizers The balloons which can be filled with vapor would be liked by Sarah Silverman She\'d sit down with Roseanne and Paris Hilton so that you can have a gig together This is thé device for Charlie Sheen 5 The final best vaporizer: The Arizer Vaporizer: They are available in balloons and a RC or Handheld remote control This is a very easy vaporizer It is not very expensive and it has a feature that it will turn itself off if not being used over a period of time The idea of getting stoned and not having to move (at all!) is good for famous couch potato comedians like Jack Black, Zach Galifanakis, and Wolf Blitzer Well, on second thought, it\'s not the device for Wolf Blitzer However i would like to add anyone to this list: Charlie Sheen