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If you have a local business, then it's obvious that the traffic you get should be local as well, and search engines can help you get it If you are looking for some good ideas for local SEO, the following techniques will help you Creating your own optimized classified ads is one of the easiest ways to take advantage of local SEO This is one of the easiest ways to take advantage of the searches in your local area because those searches get picked up a lot more often by the major search engines and using them often is one of the best ways to send direct traffic to your website When you are beginning your efforts you should start with Craigslist because it is the most popular classified web site on the internet What you need to do is make a regular habit of posting optimized ads to Craigslist to help your business Your ads need to be targeted specifically for your market Be careful not to make your ad garish--simple is best When you write the ad, focus on the title because this is what increases most of the response Your title needs to have your city, state and keyword phrase in it It could be helpful to write your ad for Craigslist the same way that you would write a landing page for your business because, often, the ads for websites will outrank the sites themselves in search engine results engine placement optimization So a good strategy is to use the Craigslist ad as a channel to funnel in the traffic towards your site, which is your ultimate aim USFreeAds is another highly ranked classifieds site that you can use--it won't work as well as Craigslist but it can get the job done What you need to do is send traffic specifically to your best offer through these classifieds sites (though piggy backing off of those sites traffic is also an option) One way to get started promoting your site locally is to claim your profile on popular local listing services, including Bing Local, Google Places and Yahoo! Local If you want to claim your profile on any of these sites, there are a few steps you have to complete to verify various facts about yourself, and this includes verifying your phone number and address Doing this won't take you long and it boosts your overall efforts at promoting your business Another way to easily improve your image in the minds of search engine users is to simply post pictures of you or your business to local site listings, as this makes you seem more open and honest Try to find the best pictures you have handy and upload them, so people have something to see when they find your listing seo You don't have to use gallery quality photos (unless your business is photography), but they will be reflecting on your business, so they should have some quality You should also try to list your business with all of the Yellow Pages and like directories online YelloPagescom, YellowBookcom and SuperPagescom are all great directories to start out with seo YellowPagescom gets more than one hundred million searches every month and they offer businesses free listings At the same time, SuperPagescom is well known for sending their listed businesses to the major sites like Aboutcom and MSN You can have a very basic listing with them for free In conclusion, if you have always wanted to get targeted local traffic, then this is how you do it The tips that we discussed in the above article will definitely help you get started