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We are in a fast moving planet Therefore, it\'s very affordable as we find an excuse to escape our job as well But, how do we do that?

To begin with, I need you to photo the next situation:

David can be a regular salesperson at the neighborhood mart He wants his work terribly as his month-to-month mortgage repayments are dependant on his wage which he draws monthly Besides that, David wants to pay for the everyday sustenance and necessities for his better half and 3 kids!

David does not like his employer very much Moreover, he needs to function 6 days every week! The work at the job doesn\'t supply him with the required time to be with his spouse and his awesome kids He usually discovers it an excellent pity as he is not able to provide his children for outdoor routines At times, he discovers great difficulty to take a single daily leave to look at his kids performance at the school