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Bench Press Workout - For men who want to discover ways to increase their bench presses, it is crucial to observe an effective and proper regimen, using the specific goal of strengthening the pectorals, triceps, biceps and also the muscles of the shoulders as well as the upper back.

The best way to make this happen goal is by following the principle of "muscle confusion". In muscle confusion, you perform reps of varying amounts per set or you perform more or less sets in a workout. You can also very your exercises per day or lift big names one day and then light weights on other days. The reason behind this is that you want to avoid your body from reaching a plateau using a rigid workout. Since you vary the styles and weights that you perform or use respectively inside your workouts, the muscles become stronger as well as the training regimen as a whole becomes more efficient, enabling you to bench press more.

Let's take a look at a sample regimen that employs the principle of muscle confusion. If you are doing it only once a week, vary your reps, sets and weights every week. For Week 1, bench a barbell having a weight of 140 pounds 12 times for 3 sets. For Week 2, bench 160 pounds 6 times for 5 sets. For Week 3, drop the weight down to 150 pounds, but do 10 reps for 3 sets.

Bench Press Workout - In the muscle confusion regime, you need to perform a "Maxing Out" (or more formally referred to as "Train To Failure") workout at least once a month. The way to do this workout is by starting out with a weight which is heavier than what you might be accustomed to lifting. After One to two reps, take a short all 30 seconds to 1½ minutes. Add 10 pounds for every successive repetition unless you reach the point whenever you cannot lift the load anymore. When doing a maxing out regime, make certain you have a gym buddy or a spotter who can grab the body weight when you can no longer push up.

For individuals who do bench presses twice or maybe more a week, you can plan your regimen in a different way. Let us say you bench on Tuesdays and Thursdays, that you can do maxing out training on Tuesday and do speed repetitions on Thursdays. Or you can speed rep on Weeks 1 and 3 and then max from Weeks 2 and 4. Ensure that you squeeze in a day of traditional bench presses in your schedule.

Bench Press Workout - To explain what speed repetitions are, they're exercises that are often called "explosive bench presses". To do this, use a weight that is 40 to 45 percent lesser than the heaviest (or the maximum) weight that you are capable of lifting. The best way to do speed reps is as simple as slowly lowering the weight to just a few inches above your chest after which pushing it upward explosively as hard so that as fast as you can are able to. Do 10 to 12 reps for 3 sets. Speed reps help stimulate fast twitch muscle fiber growth so that you will are able to bench more.

No matter how great a bench press regimen is, make sure you allot days of rest so your body can recover. Understand that it is during sleep and rest that new muscle growth occurs. In the event you grow more stronger muscle groups, you are sure to increase your the bench press in no time at all.