Terrifying Video Trivia Questions And Answers

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Version vom 29. August 2012, 20:42 Uhr von LlynByrne1631 (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „1. If you're a teenager dwelling on Elm Street what should you never do?A. Visit sleepB. Perform with dollsC. Go to the promD. Have sexA. Go to sleepTOPICS: Most …“)
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1. If you're a teenager dwelling on Elm Street what should you never do?A. Visit sleepB. Perform with dollsC. Go to the promD. Have sexA. Go to sleepTOPICS: Most of us know from "Nightmare on Elm Street" that your goals will get you killed by Freddy Krueger. Written by Craven, a former English teacher, the film's premise may be the issue of where in fact the line between dreams and reality lies. The villain, Freddy Krueger, exists in the "dream world" and yet could kill in the "real world."2. If you're up on your movie lore, then you also know that you should not accept what career on Halloween?A. Resort clerkB. Child sitterC. Camp counselorD. Touring salesmanB. Infant sitterTOPICS: Halloween (also known as John Carpenter's Halloween) is just a 1978 American separate dread movie set in the fantastic Midwest town of Haddonfield, Illinois on Halloween. Originally named The Babysitter Murders, the film focuses on Michael Myers' escape from a psychiatric hospital, his murdering of teens, and Dr. Loomis's attempts to monitor and stop him.3. What must tip you off to a poor resort to check in to?A. No body else has checked set for weeksB. The worker talks an excessive amount of about his motherC. The clerk's name is NormanD. You are a thiefB. The clerk talks an excessive amount of about his motherTOPICS: By the end of the movie, a forensic doctor, Dr. Fred Richmond (Oakland), describes to Lila, Sam and the authorities that Bates' mom, although dead, lives on in Norman's mind. Norman was so dominated by his mother while she lived, and so guilt-ridden for murdering her eight years earlier, that he tried to remove the offense from his mind by bringing his mother back to life.4. If you are buying a career on Crystal Lake what supply should you not accept?A. MailmanB. Pickup driverC. Camp cookD. Camp counselorD. Camp counselorTOPICS: In Friday the 13th, we learn it's a poor job to be a counselor at Camp Crystal Lake where the experts die extremely bloody fatalities at the hands of a hidden monster who works out to function as cook whose son Jason perished 25 years earlier in the day while abandoned by romancing counselors.5. A cinematic icon was created by british actor Boris Karloff when he played the part of what monster?A. DraculaB. WerewolfC. FrankensteinD. AlienC. FrankensteinTOPICS: British actor Boris Karloff played the role of the creature in the 1931 film "Frankenstein." The ghoulish makeup he used and the lurching walk he followed in the film have grown to be events, also cliches, of horror films. And beyond the in-patient methods Karloff used when playing the part of the monster, he created an atmosphere of compassion for the smoothness, a method that's since become a more common quality of effective fear movies, whose enemies generally acquire intensity by amazing audiences as well as rejecting them.6. Bela Lugosi was a Hungarian/American actor best known for his depiction of what monster?A. DraculaB. WerewolfC. FrankensteinD. AlienA. DraculaTOPICS: Bela Ferenc Dezso Blasko, better known as Bela Lugosi, was best known for his portrayal of Count Dracula in the American Broadway phase production, and future movie, of Bram Stoker's classic vampire story.7. In this 1970s book and book, a mother considers her daughter or son (performed by Linda Blair in the movie) is what?A. An alienB. The devilC. Held by way of a demonD. Displaying the devil's babyC. Possessed by a demonTOPICS: Novelist William Peter Blatty based his 1971 best-seller on the final known Catholic-sanctioned exorcism in the Usa. The little boy was transformed by blatty in the 1949 episode into a little girl called Regan, performed by 14-year-old Linda Blair in the 1973 movie. Suddenly prone to fits and bizarre behavior, Regan shows a significant handful for her actress-mother, Chris MacNeil (played by Ellen Burstyn, though the character was reportedly based by Blatty on his next-door neighbor Shirley MacLaine). When Regan gets entirely out of control, Chris calls in young priest Father Karras (Jason Miller), who becomes convinced that the girl is possessed by the Devil and that they have to call in a exorcist: specifically, Father Merrin (Max von Sydow). His enemy proves to be number run-of-the-mill demon, and both the priest and the girl suffer numerous horrors during their struggles.8. In a movie, you must worry if you experience a toy named what?A movie trivia game. SmileyB. BonnieC. ChuckyD. DollyC. ChuckyTOPICS:Charles Lee Ray, or Chucky for short is really a fictional character from the Child's Play number of horror films, the initial screenplay was acknowledged as written by Don Mancini, John Lafia and Tom Holland. He's the principal villain presented in the series. Chucky is just a doll that has been possessed by method of voodoo magic by sequential killer Charles Lee Ray, the known Lakeshore Strangler. Throughout most of his time as a doll, Chucky chased after a named Andy Barclay since Andy was the first person he told his real name to as a doll.9. Shows also teach us that if your daughter warns of "redrum" you better distance yourself from your own husband pronto. In "The Shining" most of the partner is worried about is what?A. Working too hardB. Enjoying too hardC. Becoming a murdererD. Being murderedA. Working too hardTOPICS: "All work and number play makes Jack a boy" -- or, instead, a homicidal child in Stanley Kubrick's eerie 1980 adaptation of Stephen King's horror story. With wife Wendy (Shelley Duvall) and psychic son Danny (Danny Lloyd) in tow, annoyed author Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) takes a job as the cold weather caretaker at the opulently ominous, mountain-locked Overlook Hotel so that they can produce in peace. Before the Overlook is vacated for the Torrances, the manager (Barry Nelson) updates Jack a previous caretaker went crazy and slaughtered his family. Deciding into their schedule, Jack sets up shop in a cavernous bar with strict instructions to not be upset. Danny's change vanity, "Tony," nevertheless, starts caution of "redrum" as Danny is suffering from more blood-soaked visions of yesteryear, and a Jack starts browsing the hotel bar for some visions of his or her own. Terrified by her husband's behavior, Wendy quickly discovers what Jack has really been doing in his study all day long, and what the hotel has done to Jack.10. Home can never be never really gone by you again, or at the very least you must not if your neighbors fit in with this profession?A. Slaughterhouse workersB. MorticiansC. ChefsD. VeterinariansA. Slaughterhouse workersTOPICS: Tobe Hooper's important cult classic, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, remains the subgenre of horror movies in line with the existence and "career" of Wisconsin sequential monster Ed Gein. When Sally Hardesty (Marilyn Burns off) hears that the Texas graveyard where her grandfather is buried has been vandalized, she collects her wheelchair-bound brother Franklin (Paul A. Partain) and some other friends together to see if grandpa's remains are still in one piece. Whilst in the area, Sally and her friends choose to visit grandfather's old farmhouse. Unfortunately, a household of homicidal slaughterhouse individuals who simply take their job home together have got within the house nearby. Included amongst the family is Leatherface (Gunnar Hansen), a face mask is worn by a chainsaw-wielding human horror show who made from human skin. Sally's friends are rapidly exterminated one-by-one by the next-door neighbors, causing simply Sally left to fight off Leatherface and his clan.